CEO Minh Hang - Hai Dang Media: Solving businesses' "pain points"

DNHN - After nearly two years since its establishment, Hai Dang Media, led by entrepreneur Minh Hang, has built a reputation and brand thanks to its effective solutions that guide businesses in the right direction and promote sustainable development.

15 years of experience to light up the lighthouse

Choosing to pursue an artistic path but later transitioning to business, Minh Hang decided to conquer the field of media and brand building for businesses with a strategic and methodical approach to success. She shared her story with the Business and Integration Magazine, a tale that perhaps any young startup enthusiast would want to hear.

From her days as a dance choreographer student at the Central College of Dance, studying directing at the University of Theatre and Cinema, and attending a course on Diplomatic Reception at the Diplomatic Academy, Minh Hang grasped the needs of society. Outside of her classes, she would research beauty-related materials at internet cafes and took part-time jobs at beauty centers to gain practical experience and prepare for her business dreams. Starting with limited savings from part-time jobs, Minh Hang bought second-hand furniture to open a hair washing and skincare service in her rented room. Balancing her studies and work, she would also spend nights online to deepen her knowledge. Her small venture initially attracted fellow students, and with quality service and dedication, her customer base grew. Accumulating enough capital and experience, Minh Hang confidently invested in opening a large-scale spa with professional staff, expanding into a chain of beauty centers and vocational training centers with foreign experts. However, after over eight years of large-scale operations, due to unstructured business management and lack of financial planning, her Hair Salon & Spa chain had to close.

Learning from the failure of her chain, Minh Hang shifted to the field of event media and brand building. She realized that this field is crucial for the survival of businesses. After working at major event centers in Ho Chi Minh City and managing several enterprises, Minh Hang identified her strengths in human resource management and communication strategy development. On January 10, 2023, she officially founded Hai Dang Media. After nearly two years, under her leadership, Hai Dang Media has built a reputation and brand through solutions that provide businesses with structured communication strategies and sustainable brand development.

“I named the company Hai Dang - the lighthouse that always shines to guide navigators at sea, also my son’s name, wishing for Hai Dang Media to be a ‘bright spot,’ a trusted partner for businesses,” CEO Minh Hang shared.

CEO Minh Hang - General Director of Hai Dang Communication and Event Company
CEO Minh Hang - General Director of Hai Dang Communication and Event Company.

Solving businesses' "pain points"

CEO Minh Hang stated that the current "pain point" businesses face is struggling to find an outlet for their products, especially for producers and artisans in craft villages. They invest a lot of time, effort, and money, but their products remain unknown, leading to debt and bankruptcy risks. This "pain point" stems from the traditional business mindset that products can be sold without the need for communication, advertising, and brand building. Businesses that have failed might change this mindset, but those initially successful often find it challenging.

With her formal training and practical experience in media and event organization, CEO Minh Hang has developed comprehensive solutions to effectively address businesses' "pain points." This strength has established Hai Dang Media’s reputation and brand. However, to gain customers' trust, Hai Dang Media not only demonstrates its capabilities but also commits and ensures results with partners and clients. “Other units only support businesses with brand identity - product packaging design, printing, and advertising. But I focus on strategy - analyzing the core issues of businesses to provide solutions for brand building and development,” said Minh Hang.

To build a brand for a product or business, Hai Dang Media prioritizes standardizing the input, such as product origin certifications, and segmenting according to target customers and pricing. Next, they help customers recognize the brand and product packaging, spreading the brand of the producer and product distribution locations. Hai Dang Media also tailors communication strategies for each product type to change customer behavior, aiming to solve product distribution issues. When a business has a strong brand, it creates sustainable value, leading to continuous brand replication and customers seeking out the business's products.

“To make customers aware of and trust a brand, businesses must prove the product’s origin and quality. Hai Dang Media has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Vietnam Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Joint Stock Company to integrate ‘Chip Label for Origin Traceability’ - TrueData origin traceability technology into the Brand Identity Package to optimize the identification of counterfeit goods and prevent market overflow. TrueData’s origin traceability technology operates on the principle of ‘Product path parallels data path.’ Product data is automatically created when produced, imported, transported, or distributed to consumers through established entry-exit points on the product circulation journey. With traceability, TrueData helps businesses identify if their products are counterfeited, assisting consumers in choosing authentic products. I am very enthusiastic about this technology; it’s leading the way, not only in Vietnam but globally,” CEO Minh Hang shared.

To increase service value, CEO Minh Hang builds relationships and connects with business clubs nationwide to promote the products of Hai Dang Media's clients and partners. Hai Dang Media supports product distribution for at least five years through trade promotion activities for its clients.

CEO Minh Hang revealed that Hai Dang Media has solved the "pain points" for over 80 businesses, including large companies and corporations, helping them overcome difficulties and achieve effective production and business, thereby growing and spreading their brands. "Good wine needs no bush," partners and clients increasingly trust and cooperate with Hai Dang Media.

Hai Dang Media Co., Ltd. (Hai Dang Media) received the
Hai Dang Media Co., Ltd. (Hai Dang Media) received the "Top 10 Prestigious Brands - International Economic Integration Brands 2023" award.

Giving to receive

Despite being a young company, Hai Dang Media's achievements affirm its position as a leading enterprise in event media and brand building. As for CEO Minh Hang, nicknamed the "Branding Queen," she epitomizes a talented and successful entrepreneur.

According to CEO Minh Hang, the nickname given by admirers is both a pressure and a motivation for her to acquire more knowledge, research to create the best strategies, and bring the most value to partners and clients. “Building brands for businesses is a mission for me. I don’t prioritize profits but always strive to cultivate value and give what I have. I am ready to offer free consultation or support in media and brand building for struggling businesses. Doing something meaningful and helping businesses solve their ‘pain points’ makes me incredibly happy, and many good opportunities arise from it,” CEO Minh Hang shared.

To illustrate the concept of giving and receiving, CEO Minh Hang recounted how she once provided free market expansion and customer acquisition solutions for a construction brick manufacturer facing bankruptcy. After three years of following her strategy, the business went from a 15 billion VND debt to a revenue of over 300 billion VND. At this point, the business owner offered her a token of appreciation, a choice between a luxury apartment or a high-end car. She graciously accepted but only took a portion of the offered value.

Hai Dang Media signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Vietnam Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Joint Stock Company (ACTIV)
Hai Dang Media signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Vietnam Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Joint Stock Company (ACTIV).

Discussing future plans, CEO Minh Hang said that in 2024, Hai Dang Media aims to build 500 sales points across 63 provinces for its client businesses at zero cost, having already implemented this in over 40 provinces. Additionally, the company will continue to develop international trade promotion channels, helping business owners meet, collaborate, and become partners.

Hai Dang Media’s and CEO Minh Hang’s approach aligns with the essential trend for sustainable business development: recognizing brand value and building brands. Only by establishing a brand from the very first steps can businesses confidently stand firm in the market.

CEO Minh Hang's personal titles


Champion of National Debate on Social Culture 2011

Communication Ambassador

Branding Queen

Outstanding Entrepreneur 2015

Golden Entrepreneur 2023

Hai Dang Media

Event and media organization; Corporate TVC production; Strategic communication advisory; Practical marketing campaign consulting; Brand identity design; Communication material design; Website design; Brand building and management; Professional KOL and KOC provision; Multi-industry business network connection for individuals and enterprises…

Head Office: 314 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.

Branch 1: 21, Alley 55 Thanh Lan, Hoang Mai, Hanoi. Branch 2: 10C Vinh Quang, Ninh Xa, Bac Ninh. Branch 3: Bo Ho Thanh Niên Area, Doi Ngo Town, Luc Nam, Bac Giang. Branch 4: APC Building, 67 Dinh Tien Hoang, Da Kao, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

Hotline: 0941 233 299 - Support 24/7: 0338 965 283



Fanpage: WfCTpi/?mibextid=LQQJ4d

Tri Kien - Hanh Nguyen

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