Quang Tri: Digital transformation to transform and reach out to the world

DNHN - On July 9, in Dong Ha City (Quang Tri), the Department of Information and Communications organized a presentation themed “Quang Tri: Digital Transformation to Transform and Reach Out to the World”.

In recent years, Quang Tri Province has continuously strived to rise and achieve significant results in various fields, particularly in digital transformation. The province has focused on strong leadership and directives for digital transformation, building digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

Overview of the presentation
Overview of the presentation.

The presentation highlighted creative measures in implementation, from investing in developing technical infrastructure and equipment for digital transformation to training human resources and digitizing documents and building databases. These efforts have yielded comprehensive and encouraging results, contributing to the province's development.

However, to achieve digital transformation goals, Quang Tri needs to continue enhancing training efforts, creating favorable conditions for businesses and the community to participate in the digital transformation process, and fostering an environment that encourages innovation and the application of information technology. Only with the unity and cooperation of all social strata can Quang Tri truly reach out to the world through digital transformation.

Notably, some exemplary digital transformation projects have been recognized and awarded nationally. These include the project “Research and Application of Artificial Intelligence to Detect Grid Safety Risks from Images/Videos Collected by DRONE/UAV from Flight Missions” by the Quang Tri Power Company, which won second place in the Information Technology, Electronics, Telecommunications field organized by the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations and the Vietnam Fund for Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTEC). Another project, “Digital Heritage Bank Solution to Support Smart Tourism” by the Quang Tri Department of Science and Technology, was recognized as one of the top seven solutions in the category of Excellent Digital Transformation State Agencies nationwide at the Vietnam Digital Awards and won third place in the category of Initiatives and Products with External Information Value at the Ninth National External Information Awards – 2023. Additionally, the project “Sign Language Conversion Gloves to Natural Language for the Deaf and Mute” in the field of robotics and smart machines by a student from Le Quy Don High School for the Gifted won first place in the National Science and Technology Contest for high school students for the 2023 – 2024 school year and was selected to participate in the international science and technology competition.

Therefore, 2024 is seen as a year to strongly promote digital transformation across all levels, sectors, and fields in Quang Tri Province.

At the presentation “Quang Tri: Digital Transformation to Transform and Reach Out to the World”, participants listened to Prof. Ha Ton Vinh, Director of the Leadership Training Program at California Miramar University (USA), discussed important topics. Prof. Vinh addressed the global information revolution, the prerequisites for Vietnam’s development, and how we should conduct business and manage in the digital age.

Prof. Ha Ton Vinh, Director of the Leadership Training Program at California Miramar University (USA) discussed important topics
Prof. Ha Ton Vinh, Director of the Leadership Training Program at California Miramar University (USA) discussed important topics.

Prof. Ha Ton Vinh emphasized that digital transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution involves using digital technologies to change management and business models. This includes changing how organizations and businesses operate, providing new value to customers, and facilitating innovation and creativity. Prof. Vinh also highlighted the need to change the culture within organizations and businesses to ensure sustainable development.

For Quang Tri Province, Prof. Vinh believes that digital transformation is necessary, especially in the tourism sector. Quang Tri needs to leverage technology to develop and reach out to the world while ensuring sustainability during this process.

The Prime Minister issued Directive No. 16/CT-TTg on May 4, 2017, to enhance the capacity to approach the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with tourism being a prioritized sector for building a digital transformation strategy and applying information technology to promote smart tourism in Vietnam. New trends in the tourism industry include exploring and experiencing new, untouched regions.

Quang Tri needs to build and apply digital transformation strategies and tactics, digital transformation for the entire system from public management to tourism support, invest in developing and improving digital transformation infrastructure, build databases, and use technology to connect and take care of customers, conduct business and management on digital platforms, and connect nationally and internationally.

Additionally, efforts should be made to develop mobile applications and websites to promote tourism, develop tourism promotion on social media, provide more information in English, and apply AI technology, automation, digital tourism techniques, Virtual Tours (VR) and Interactive Tours, which are popular with tourists in many countries (360 videos, panoramic photos, flycam photos, etc.).

During the presentation, Prof. Ha Ton Vinh also addressed and clarified issues of concern regarding digital transformation for the delegates.

Le Hoan

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