Digital transformation in Vietnam Social Security: Creating "real products" that people genuinely benefit from

DNHN - On the afternoon of July 31st, Vietnam Social Security held an online conference to review the first six months of 2024 regarding digital transformation work and the implementation of the Government's Project 06.

On the afternoon of July 31st, Vietnam Social Security held an online conference to review the first six months of 2024 regarding digital transformation work and the implementation of the Government's Project 06. The conference was chaired by General Director Nguyen The Manh, Head of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee of Vietnam Social Security.

Attending the conference at various locations were Vice Chairman of the Social Security Management Council Nguyen Van Cuong; Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Tri Thuc; Deputy General Directors, Deputy Heads of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee of the industry, representatives of the Government Office, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the Task Force for the implementation of the Government's Project 06; leaders of affiliated units and members of the Steering Committee and the Task Force of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee of Vietnam Social Security; representatives of the provincial digital transformation steering committee and the Project 06 task force of the Provincial People's Committee and relevant departments, agencies; directors of provincial and city Social Security - Heads of the Digital Transformation Steering Committee, Heads of the Project 06 task force; district Social Security directors and related members.

Creating “real products” that people truly benefit from...

Speaking at the conference, General Director Nguyen The Manh said that over the past time, Vietnam Social Security has continued to closely follow the directives of the Government and the Prime Minister in implementing digital transformation work and Project 06; issued full and timely directives for implementation, inspection, supervision, and raising awareness of digital transformation across the industry. In the first six months of 2024, the entire industry achieved positive results in digital transformation work, bringing significant and practical benefits not only to the people and businesses but also to state management agencies in the fields of social security and health insurance. These results have been recognized and highly appreciated by the Government, the Prime Minister, ministries, sectors, people, and businesses.

General Director Nguyễn Thế Mạnh, Head of the Committee for Digital Transformation of Vietnam Social Insurance, spoke at the conference
General Director Nguyễn Thế Mạnh, Head of the Committee for Digital Transformation of Vietnam Social Security, spoke at the conference.

In this period, the industry has built and developed a large, basically complete database covering most people and businesses. This database has been synchronized and authenticated with the National Population Database, laying an important foundation for administrative procedure reform. Accordingly, the administrative procedure reform work of the industry has been vigorously implemented, increasingly convenient, and quick, such as the use of citizen identification cards in health insurance medical examinations and treatment, pension payments, and social insurance benefits through personal accounts. Data sharing between Vietnam Social Security and ministries, sectors, and localities is increasingly timely and open, creating a shared database, bringing greater benefits to people and businesses. 100% of the industry's operational and management processes are also carried out in a digital environment, helping to improve labor productivity and information transparency...

Currently, all eligible administrative procedures of Vietnam Social Security have been provided with full-process online public services on multiple platforms. In the first six months of 2024, the entire Vietnam Social Security sector received and processed more than 6.8 million electronic transaction records.

In implementing the Government's Project 06, Vietnam Social Security continues to connect and share data between the National Insurance Database and the National Population Database; deploy technical measures to ensure the gradual use of citizen identification cards (CCCD), the National Electronic Identification Application (VNeID) to replace paper health insurance cards for health insurance medical examinations and treatment. To date, 100% of health insurance medical facilities have implemented health insurance medical examinations and treatment using CCCD with chips (meeting the requirement of looking up health insurance card information using personal identification numbers/CCCD), with more than 104.2 million successful lookups of health insurance card information using personal identification numbers/CCCD serving the health insurance medical examination and treatment procedures.

Additionally, Vietnam Social Security continues to promote cashless insurance benefit payments. In the first six months of 2024, approximately 74% of beneficiaries received social insurance benefits and unemployment allowances through personal accounts in urban areas (an increase of about 10% compared to 2023), in coordination with ministries, sectors, and localities to implement electronic health records; interconnecting health examination data for drivers, birth certificates, and death certificates; integrating social insurance information into the VNeID application; integrating VNeID accounts with VssID; implementing the National Data Center Project.

Mr. Ngo Hai Phan - Director of the Administrative Procedure Control Department, Government Office, evaluated that Vietnam Social Security is not only a pioneer in digital transformation work but also has tangible products; people and businesses truly benefit. Among the industry's positive results, the prominent one is the high rate of pension and social insurance benefit payments through personal accounts; providing many utilities on the National Public Service Portal with a large number of users. Despite challenges, Vietnam Social Security has been attentive in building and developing good digital infrastructure and data, while strongly sharing with ministries, sectors, and localities, bringing practical benefits and serving people.

Mr. Vu Van Tan - Deputy Director of the Administrative Management Police Department on Social Order, Ministry of Public Security, also acknowledged that the 100% implementation of health insurance medical examinations and treatment using CCCD with chips and level 2 electronic identification accounts is a significant effort of Vietnam Social Security and local police in data sharing and synchronization. The payment of social insurance benefits through personal accounts is also an impressive result, overcoming many initial difficulties in implementation.

The entire sector is determined to “reach the finish line” early

According to Deputy General Director Chu Manh Sinh, Head of the Project 06 Task Force of Vietnam Social Security, the digital transformation work of Vietnam Social Security, focusing on Project 06, continues to achieve solid progress. This has brought about “breakthrough” changes in all professional activities, creating an important foundation for the development of Vietnam Social Security towards becoming more professional and modern, for the satisfaction of participants and beneficiaries of social security and health insurance policies.

The online conference for reviewing the first six months of 2024 on the digital transformation efforts of Vietnam Social Insurance
The online conference for reviewing the first six months of 2024 on the digital transformation efforts of Vietnam Social Security.

On behalf of the sector's leadership, General Director Nguyen The Manh acknowledged and highly appreciated the achievements of the entire sector in digital transformation work and the implementation of Project 06; and also expressed sincere thanks for the coordination and support of ministries, sectors, and localities with Vietnam Social Security in this work.

General Director Nguyen The Manh requested that in the coming time, affiliated units and provincial and city Social Security agencies continue to closely follow the directives of the Government, the Prime Minister, and the approved plans in implementing digital transformation work and Project 06, determined to complete 100% of tasks as soon as possible. Continue to enhance the responsibility of leaders in implementation, ensuring five clear aspects: clear person, clear task, clear responsibility, clear result, and clear time; raise the awareness of civil servants and employees about digital transformation work and the implementation of Project 06, considering this as a task parallel to professional tasks. At the same time, continue to build and enrich the industry's database, ready to share, synchronize, and interconnect with ministries, sectors, and localities, thereby continuing to reduce administrative procedures to better serve people and businesses, as well as improving management efficiency, building, and completing operational processes in a digital environment. Strengthen communication about digital transformation, introduce, and widely replicate the achievements and results of the digital transformation of Vietnam Social Security to the entire society, creating consensus among people, businesses, sectors, and levels in performing tasks.

To recognize and commend units and individuals with significant contributions to the results of digital transformation and the implementation of Project 06 of Vietnam Social Security, the conference announced the Decision of the General Director of Vietnam Social Security to reward 13 individuals outside the sector and 19 collectives, 39 individuals within the sector for their outstanding achievements in implementing tasks assigned to Vietnam Social Security in the Government's Project 06 for the period 2022 - 2023.

Uyen Nhi

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