Creating favorable mechanisms for business development: A key driver for economic growth

DNHN - Businesses are the main driving force behind economic development and the backbone of the national economy. To promote business growth, it is necessary to have support mechanisms and incentive policies in place.

Creating favorable mechanisms for business development is not only the task of the Party and State but also the responsibility of the entire society
Creating favorable mechanisms for business development is not only the task of the Party and State but also the responsibility of the entire society.

The business community often faces significant risks and costs from factors such as market conditions, political instability, and an unpredictable business environment. The government needs to establish support mechanisms to mitigate these risks by providing market information, financial assistance, and protecting business rights during operations.

Investment in research and development (R&D) is the key to helping businesses advance on their development path. The government should create mechanisms to encourage businesses to engage in R&D activities, while also providing capital support and strategic planning to develop new products and services, thereby enhancing competitiveness.

High-quality human resources are a crucial factor in a business's success. The government needs to establish support mechanisms so that businesses can invest in training and developing their workforce, from providing quality training programs to supporting training costs.

A favorable business environment is essential for promoting business development. The government should create mechanisms to reduce administrative procedures, ensure transparent, fair, and competitive business practices, and establish a clear and stable legal system.

Recently, National Assembly Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn called on relevant agencies to proactively review and adjust their areas of responsibility to resolve existing obstacles, thereby creating favorable conditions for businesses to develop and improve production efficiency.

He emphasized that committees must continue to innovate legislative activities, ensuring they align with the Constitution and the law to meet the demands of international integration. The National Assembly’s agencies must also strictly apply new regulations on power control and anti-corruption in law-making processes.

The National Assembly Chairman also urged the committees to swiftly complete legislative projects to be submitted to the National Assembly during the 8th Session and to appraise new projects. Additionally, they need to research and better define the scope and methods of parliamentary oversight to ensure effective supervision and accurate feedback.

National Assembly Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn noted that, according to directives from the General Secretary and President Tô Lâm, agencies need to focus on removing obstacles to create conditions for business development, promoting investment, and production.

For specific tasks, the National Assembly Chairman requested the Committee on Science, Technology, and Environment to promptly complete documents for the specialized supervision team on environmental protection. The Economic Committee needs to finalize the draft Supervision Report on real estate management and housing development.

The Finance and Budget Committee should coordinate with the government to reform the budget decision process and prepare the state financial report. The committees also need to prepare plans to evaluate national target programs for consideration by the National Assembly during the 10th Session, in preparation for the next five-year plan.

Thus, creating favorable mechanisms for business development is not only the task of the Party and State but also the responsibility of the entire society. By establishing a favorable business environment, providing financial, human resources, and R&D support, we will drive the comprehensive development of businesses, contributing to the prosperity of the economy and society.

Nghe Nhan

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