Vinmec wins "double" at the HR Asia Awards

DNHN - Vinmec Healthcare System was honored with two awards at the HR Asia Awards 2024 ceremony on August 8. The double awards further affirm Vinmec's excellence in both the working environment and the professional development environment.

Vinmec Healthcare System was recognized with two awards: “Best Companies to work for in ASIA” and “Most Caring Company Award”
Vinmec Healthcare System was recognized with two awards: “Best Companies to work for in ASIA” and “Most Caring Company Award”.

The HR Asia Awards 2024 is a program that honors companies with the best working environments in 16 countries across Asia, organized by the prestigious HR Asia magazine. The award recognizes the efforts of companies with outstanding human resource management systems, high employee engagement, and top work environments in the region.

To be recognized as “Best Companies to work for in ASIA” and “Most Caring Company Award”, Vinmec surpassed the stringent criteria of the judging panel thanks to its policies and values distinguished by the CARE (Creativity, Accountability, Reliability, Excellence) framework: encouraging creativity, committing to the highest responsibilities, building trust, and achieving excellence.

The representative from Vinmec received the supplementary award for
The representative from Vinmec received the supplementary award for "Company with Policies and Activities for Employee Health and Overall Happiness".

In particular, human factors are the central priority for development with recognition and appropriate compensation. Specifically, Vinmec's professional team is always updated with the latest technologies, creating opportunities for learning and practice at leading universities, healthcare systems, or research institutes worldwide. The team is also given the maximum conditions to promote creative thinking and apply advanced technologies to improve the quality of treatment and services according to the highest international standards.

As a result, 60% of healthcare professionals rated Vinmec positively regarding the working environment; 24% expressed a desire to join the system. Notably, the turnover rate in Vinmec's clinical sector is only 6%, lower than the industry average.

These two important awards will serve as motivation for Vinmec to continue developing superior human resource policies for its employees
These two important awards will serve as motivation for Vinmec to continue developing superior human resource policies for its employees.

Ms. Lê Thúy Anh, General Director of Vinmec Healthcare System, said: “The two prestigious international human resource management awards are an honor for the entire team and a testament to Vinmec’s human resource development policies over the past years. Vinmec highly values this recognition as the award criteria are based on internal survey results, reflecting the thoughts and wishes of our staff. The awards affirm that Vinmec is not only a company serving the community and the health of Vietnamese people but also continuously strives to create the best environment for its employees.

In addition to building the best working environment for its human resources, Vinmec also focuses on creating future human resources through training partnerships with the Health Science Institute (VinUni). Accordingly, hundreds of doctors, nurses, and technicians will be trained by experienced domestic and international professors and doctors, learning and applying the latest medical technologies to be ready to join the team.

Previously, in May 2024, Vinmec excelled in receiving 4 platinum awards in 4 major categories: “Best Company in Vietnam”, “Best Company for the Community”, “Best Company for Women Empowerment”, and “Best Place to Work” at the 16th Global CSR and ESG Conference – one of the major awards for sustainable development.

Ly Kim

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