The purchasing power on the e-commerce floor declined as expected

DNHN - In the first few months of the year, the e-commerce floor's purchasing power stimulus programs did not produce the anticipated revenue growth.


Some e-commerce platforms reported that they began to observe a gradual decline in the value of shoppers' shopping carts. Instead of focusing on luxury and upscale items, buyers now prioritize the group of healthcare products, and even fashion is a subset of fitness and sports.

The online retail industry has been affected by economic difficulties and inflation's effects. Many sellers on e-commerce platforms also report that consumer behavior has shifted, with consumers now seeking out healthcare products at competitive prices, as well as more online discount promotions. next. For instance, the revenue of the group that sells phone accessories and electronic goods decreased by nearly 40 percent compared to the same period last year. However, since online shoppers are only interested in beauty or health care, it is not necessary to reduce spending.

According to a report on the e-commerce market conducted by Lazada in March-February 2023, consumers tend to hold out for greater value rather than simply seeking out discounts.

According to the Vietnam E-commerce Association (VECOM), by 2021, up to 83% of businesses will allow customers to complete the entire shopping process on mobile devices, compared to 75% during the same period in 2018. is merely 52%.

In addition, the percentage of businesses participating in the implementation of promotions exclusively for customers using mobile devices to shop increased from 46% in 2020 to 48% in 2021, to promote this practice. only 35% by the year 2020.

In a context where users tend to reduce spending, it is evident that retailers do not focus on e-commerce channels to increase sales, but rather on completing the ecosystem and assisting users in making decisions. opt to purchase goods.

Ngoc Phi (TH)

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