Request screenings beyond 0:00 p.m. to help theatres earn income

DNHN - Four major film companies in Vietnam, including CGV, BHD, Galaxy, and Lotte, have just petitioned the Prime Minister to enable theatres to show additional films after 0:00. According to the companies, movie screening operations are now restricted from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. every day.


This law, according to four businesses, has limited the audience's ability to enjoy cinematic works at the theatre and is inconsistent to promote diversified cultural and healthy entertainment services at night. As a result, the film distribution units requested that the Prime Minister direct and consider eliminating this content. The petition was sent in the context of Decree 38 being revised and supplemented, with approval expected in November 2022.

According to cinema officials, following this regulation (March 2021), theatre owners abandoned late-night showings, simply scheduling showtimes such that the movie concludes at exactly midnight. Previously, there were numerous screenings in the 12 a.m – 1-hour time frame with contemporary theatres, and constructed seats like beds so that the audience may enjoy restful times in Ho Chi Minh City. The number of visitors to these theatres with beds is substantially higher in the evening than during the day. Even theatres with mere seats attract consumers due to their location in commercial hubs and big urban regions - where a significant number of inhabitants congregate with a strong need for entertainment after work and school hours.

According to a representative of Galaxy movie publisher and Galaxy cinema system in Ho Chi Minh City, viewing movies late at night is one of the young people's favourite nighttime activities. Previously, late-night screenings were nearly full whenever there were Hollywood blockbusters, successful movies that "generated a fever" throughout the world, or Vietnamese pictures that created audience effects. In reality, audiences under the age of 35 constitute the majority of moviegoers in theatres. However, this group of young city dwellers frequently skip school, work late, and go to the movies beyond 9 p.m.

Concerning the fact that enterprises might influence 0:00, Mr Nguyen Hoang Hai, Content Director of CJ & CG, stated that theatres are a special sort of company with tight criteria on design, sound insulation, and safety by national technical rules. Because there is a distinct place, the cinema systems will provide security, safety, and urban order, according to the theatre spokesperson.

"If the state allows theatres to operate after 24 hours, we feel it would be a positive step that will support the growth of the night economy, contribute to income and jobs for employees, and improve revenue sources for the budget," Mr Hai added.

Mr Vi Kien Thanh, Director of the Cinema Department, stated that he has received recommendations from companies and is researching the matter to report to the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

Government Decree No. 38 (Decree 38/2021/ND-CP) issued on March 29, 2021, states that displaying movies outside of the specified time limit would result in a fine ranging from 5,000,000 VND to 10,000,000 VND.

Bao Han

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