Numerous policies to assist Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in resuming production

DNHN - The business community, particularly small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), experienced numerous challenges during the Covid-19 outbreak. Numerous enterprises were forced to cease operations or drastically curtail production. Enterprises are currently attempting to recover production and operations, but confront several difficulties and obstacles.

Recently, the Government has issued Decision No. 167/QD-TTg/2022; approved the "Program to support businesses in the private sector to do sustainable business in the period of 2022 - 2025".

A sustainable business enterprise is also a SME that receives support from the state budget in the form of consultation on financial access, solicitation of investment capital, communication, trade promotion, and market expansion, among other things, at the highest level of support available. This is viewed as a lever for firms, particularly small and medium-sized organizations, to quickly resume production and operations. 

The Law on Support (SMEs) and Decree No. 80/2021ND-CP dated August 26, 2021 of the Government are recently considered as leverage for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises to restore production soon. business.
The Law on Support (SMEs) and Decree No. 80/2021ND-CP dated August 26, 2021 of the Government are recently considered as leverage for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises to restore production soon. business.

Although there are many efforts to restore production and business, the operation of many enterprises in industrial zones in the provinces still faces many difficulties and challenges; Some enterprises had to stop operating or go bankrupt. Most of these enterprises are in the SME category, even micro, so their financial potential is limited.

The Government issued Decree No. 80/2021ND-CP on August 26, 2021, guiding the execution of a number of articles of the Law on SME support, with the overarching purpose of synchronizing and effectively implementing China's policies and programs to support SMEs. The central government's objective is to accelerate growth, to establish a favorable, equal, and stable investment and business climate for SMEs to thrive, to improve their quality and efficiency, and to serve as a major catalyst for socioeconomic development.

According to statistics of the Department of Planning and Investment of Quang Nam province, there are more than 8,000 businesses operating. In which, small and medium enterprises accounted for 98% of the total enterprises in the province, more than 11 times higher than 2005. The business capital of private economic enterprises was 193.2 trillion VND, accounting for 84.8% of the total capital of enterprises. more than 45 times in 2005.

In 2020, enterprises contribute about 65% of the province's GRDP; in which the private sector contributed 42.2% of GRDP (2005: 22.5%; 2000: 7.5%). Private economic enterprises make great contributions to the provincial budget (65 - 70% of total domestic revenue).

In Quang Ngai province, there are now more than 7000 enterprises that have been put into operation; in which SMEs account for more than 97%, recently the Provincial People's Committee has just issued Decision No. 1325/QD-UBND dated December 31, 2021 approving the project "Supporting small and medium enterprises in Quang Ngai province in the period period 2022-2025".

Funding for the implementation of the Scheme from recurrent expenditures from the provincial budget is estimated at VND 68,686 million for the whole period of 2022-2025; an average of about 17,172 million VND per year.

Compared with large enterprises operating in EZs and industrial zones, SMEs in industrial zones have smaller industrial production value, but the stable operation of enterprises makes an important contribution to labor restructuring in rural areas
Compared with large enterprises operating in EZs and industrial zones, SMEs in industrial zones have smaller industrial production value, but the stable operation of enterprises makes an important contribution to labor restructuring in rural areas.

To assist SMEs in achieving digital transformation for production, business, and administrative operations through the use of digital platforms, pursuant to the Ministry of Industry and Trade's Decision No. 377/QD-BTTTT of March 26, 2021.

Minister of Information and Communications, assisting businesses in optimizing operations, increasing production and business efficiency, increasing capacity and competitive advantage, developing new business values, and contributing to enterprise development.

To aid in the development of the digital economy, provincial officials have also published the "Plan to Assist SMEs in Implementing Digital Transformation in the Period 2022-2025" to address the demands of enterprises in the digital economy.

Quang Nam and Quang Ngai are two provinces with double-digit growth rates, ranked in the top 10 provinces and cities with high economic growth rates in the country and are the two leading localities in the Central Key Economic Region. Contributing to that success must be enterprises, which entrepreneurs are considered as the team that create and lead the economic development and start-up of enterprises.

Compared with large enterprises operating in EZs and industrial zones, SMEs in industrial zones have smaller industrial production value, but the stable operation of enterprises makes an important contribution to labor restructuring. in rural areas. Therefore, all levels, sectors and localities need to create favorable conditions for enterprises to invest in production and business, create jobs and increase income for people.

Trong Tam 

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