Hanoi will be a leader in the completion of electronic health books for 10 million individuals by 2024.

DNHN - Nguyen Viet Hung, director of the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications, stated that Hanoi is a pioneer in the effort to distribute electronic health books to all residents and workers in the region (approximately 10 million individuals)

When discussing significant figures in Hanoi's endeavor to establish a smart city by 2030, Nguyen Viet Hung, director of the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications, remarked, "These are comparatively ambitious figures." The objective about digital government is to ensure that every executive document of the government is accompanied by a digital signature and digital environment. Aim for the digital economy to account for approximately 30% of Hanoi's gross domestic product. A significant majority of adults, specifically 80%, possess personal digital signatures for use on online public services and electronic payment accounts. Intelligent healthcare and intelligent transportation are initiatives in Hanoi. Recently, pilot programs utilizing interconnected ticket cards on the public transport system in the capital have been a success, facilitating travel. Numerous novel approaches to traffic and urban development are anticipated to emerge.

Director of Hanoi Department of Information and Communications Nguyen Viet Hung said that by 2024, Hanoi will pioneer in completing electronic health books for 10 million people.
Director of Hanoi Department of Information and Communications Nguyen Viet Hung said that by 2024, Hanoi will pioneer in completing electronic health books for 10 million people..

"We were the first to produce electronic health books for the entire population of the city (approximately 10 million individuals), not just the citizens of the nation's capital." By 2024, this will have been accomplished. At present, 76 million electronic health books for humans are contained in the database. We will coordinate forces (police, health, and information and communication forces) in the final months of 2023 to utilize the data of over 2 million remaining individuals to reach the aforementioned objective. Mr. Hung declared.

As per the Director of the Hanoi Department of Information and Communications, the aforementioned health book number shall subsequently be incorporated into the public health book. To produce electronic medical books throughout the entire nation, the Government's Steering Committee for Project 06 (Project for developing application of population data, electronic identification, and authentication to serve national digital transformation in the period 2022-2025, vision to 2030) determined that Hanoi would serve as a pilot city before the initiative was expanded nationwide.

Effective solutions will exist for inherently challenging issues in the Capital, including environmental pollution, water supply and drainage, and smart cities. Hanoi initially utilized technological monitoring systems. The city will eventually install additional monitoring stations and sensors to provide alerts regarding the environmental situation so that corrective actions can be taken. In addition to concurrent investments in the water supply and drainage system, which will provide clean water to the citizens of the capital, the drainage system will also be fully operational.

Mr. Hung emphasized, when discussing the difficulty of constructing a smart city via digital transformation, that there are both common and unique obstacles. Regarding the shared challenge, synchronous data creation, management, integration, and sharing are required. In terms of particular obstacles, the fact that Hanoi, the capital, is home to a tremendously large population complicates matters about transportation, healthcare, and education. Control, inspection, and implementation of a smart city necessitate that the establishment of institutions, policies, infrastructure, and data all occur in unison.

About information security, Hanoi has incorporated system security, infrastructure security, and overall security into the digital government and smart city architecture. Concurrently, individuals' security consciousness regarding personal and business data is being elevated.

"All are built into projects and documents and there are always propaganda campaigns to encourage people to participate and comply," Mr. Hung added.

Hoai Anh

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