For the tourism sector in Vietnam to expand rapidly and sustainably,

DNHN - The Conference on Rapid and Sustainable Development of Vietnam Tourism was convened at the request of the prime minister to find solutions to both short-term and long-term problems; and to provide answers to several critical issues

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh presided over the Conference on Rapid and Sustainable Development of Vietnam Tourism in Hanoi on November 15 in the morning. The proceedings were streamed live from the Government headquarters and connected online to the People's Committees of provinces, cities, and streets throughout the nation.

In a report evaluating the present condition of tourism operations over the preceding period, Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung stated: There will continue to be numerous challenges in 2023, both domestically and internationally, but they can be surmounted with effective leadership and guidance. The Vietnamese tourism industry has accomplished a great deal under the direction of the government and the prime minister, with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, the support of localities, branches, and ministries, and the collaboration of the business community and the general populace. Exceptional results.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs the Vietnam Tourism Development Conference
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairs the Vietnam Tourism Development Conference.

The number of international visitors to Vietnam is projected to surpass 9,998 million in the initial ten months of 2023, representing an increase of 4.6 times over the corresponding period in the previous year and surpassing the planned target for the entire year. Domestic visitors have already amounted to 98.7 million, while total revenue from tourists has reached 582.6 trillion VND.

Despite the accomplishments thus far, the tourism sector in Vietnam continues to encounter numerous obstacles and challenges. The recovery of international tourism in Vietnam has been comparatively sluggish, failing to meet the anticipated levels set by industry leaders and the business community.

As stated by Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung, the aforementioned constraints have arisen due to the gradual reopening of certain traditional key markets, which have yet to reestablish their pre-pandemic growth rate. Connecting and capitalizing on new and potential markets remains a laborious and time-consuming process beset by numerous obstacles. The inclination towards selecting nearby destinations over long-distance destinations in certain significant Vietnamese markets.

In addition, the restoration of international flight frequencies to their pre-COVID-19 levels was a gradual process. Inflation, rising exchange rates, political conflicts, and decreased tourist budgets, among other factors, have had a significant impact on the number of international visitors to Vietnam in recent times.


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, speaking at the conference, emphasized that tourism is recognized as a critical economic sector that significantly contributes to the eradication of hunger and poverty, the creation of jobs and livelihoods for the populace, and the attraction of investment. …

With the improvement in tourism over the past decade, Vietnam is projected to receive approximately 10 million international tourists and 99 million domestic tourists by the end of October 2023. However, during the same period in 2023, there will be 69% fewer international tourists than during the same period in 2019 (before the pandemic). After a period of robust expansion in 2022, domestic tourism is beginning to exhibit indications of deceleration. Numerous problems, challenges, and impediments have plagued the tourism sector for decades and have yet to be resolved for an extended period.

To transform the tourism industry into a significant economic sector, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh underscored the criticality of genuinely innovative approaches and methodologies, incorporating creative, revolutionary, timely, and efficient measures. Implement "close association, smooth coordination, and comprehensive cooperation".

The Prime Minister suggested that the conference address both immediate and long-term challenges; for the tourism industry in Vietnam to grow rapidly and sustainably, it is crucial to find solutions to several crucial issues.

Determine the challenges and opportunities facing the Vietnamese tourism industry. Furthermore, elucidates the triumphant experiences of Vietnam and other nations across the globe. Furthermore, put forth possible resolutions to surmount challenges, capitalize on prospects, and establish conducive circumstances for the expeditious and sustainable advancement of Vietnam's tourism industry.

Our primary objectives are as follows: elucidating institutional concerns, mechanisms, and policies; mobilizing resources for infrastructure development; establishing a reputable brand; educating personnel to fulfill development needs; and enhancing the nation's management capabilities. national, local, and business coordination by new conditions, ministries, branches, localities, tourism industry businesses, and non-tourism industry businesses...

PV (t/h)

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