Digital transformation in Bình Thuận: An inevitable trend for economic development

DNHN - Digital transformation is an inevitable trend, and Bình Thuận needs to accelerate the application of technology across various economic sectors.

Digital transformation is an inevitable trend, and Bình Thuận needs to accelerate the application of technology across various economic sectors
Digital transformation is an inevitable trend, and Bình Thuận needs to accelerate the application of technology across various economic sectors.

This transformation will enhance production efficiency, reduce costs, and increase the competitiveness of businesses. It will be a key factor in helping the province achieve sustainable GRDP growth in the future.

According to the latest data from the Bình Thuận Statistics Department, the province's gross regional domestic product (GRDP) increased by 6.43% in the first six months of 2024 compared to the same period last year. This is a positive sign for the province's economy.

The industrial and construction sector is one of the strongest growing sectors, with an increase of 11.21%. Next is the services sector, which grew by 5.28%. The agriculture, forestry, and fishery sector also grew, but at a lower rate, reaching 2.65%.

Regarding import and export, Bình Thuận's export turnover in the first five months of 2024 is estimated at 269.2 million USD, up 1.22% over the same period last year. Of this, seafood products accounted for 71.6 million USD, and agricultural products reached 3.5 million USD.

Agriculture remains an important sector for the province, with the area of crops planted during the summer-autumn season increasing compared to the same period last year, mainly in rice cultivation. Aquaculture activities have developed steadily, although seafood exploitation faced difficulties due to the impact of tropical depressions.

However, Bình Thuận still faces many challenges such as supply chain disruptions and high input material costs. The province has made efforts to overcome these difficulties and achieve positive results in many sectors.

Overall, Bình Thuận's economic situation in 2024 shows solid and stable growth. The province continues to strive for sustainable economic development and to seize new opportunities.

Key economic sectors play an important role in boosting the growth of Bình Thuận's provincial GDP (GRDP).

This is the sector with the strongest growth, reaching 11.21%. The development of industrial projects and infrastructure has greatly contributed to the province’s GRDP growth.

With a growth rate of 5.28%, the service sector also contributes significantly to Bình Thuận's economic growth. The development of service industries such as tourism, trade, and transportation has created many jobs and boosted consumption in the province.

Although growth is lower compared to other sectors, reaching 2.65%, this sector remains an important part of Bình Thuận's economy. The stability in aquaculture activities and the expansion of rice cultivation area have helped maintain development in this sector.

These sectors are not only the main drivers of Bình Thuận’s GRDP growth but also provide a solid foundation for the province's sustainable development in the future.

Exploiting and developing emerging trends to boost economic growth and GRDP in Bình Thuận. At the same time, experts recommend that the province needs a long-term strategy and appropriate supportive policies to fully leverage potential and opportunities from these trends.

In 2024, Bình Thuận's economy has witnessed solid and stable growth, thanks to the strong development of key economic sectors. The province is making continuous efforts to develop a sustainable economy and seize new opportunities in the future. Economic experts have provided many noteworthy opinions on emerging trends and their impact on Bình Thuận's provincial GDP (GRDP).

Investing in renewable energy, especially wind and solar energy, is a strategic step for Bình Thuận. Not only does it help the province reduce dependence on fossil fuels, but it also creates a stable revenue stream from clean energy projects. This will significantly contribute to GRDP and create many job opportunities for local residents.

The processing and manufacturing industry is becoming a major driver of Bình Thuận's economic growth. Building industrial zones and processing factories will increase the value of the province’s agricultural and seafood products. This not only helps increase export value but also creates more jobs, contributing to GRDP growth.

Emerging trends in Bình Thuận’s economic sectors could significantly impact the province's GRDP, bringing both opportunities and challenges.

Bình Thuận has great potential for wind and solar energy. Investing in renewable energy projects not only creates clean energy sources but also attracts investment, creates jobs, and boosts economic growth. This could positively contribute to the province’s GRDP in the long term.

Tourism is one of Bình Thuận’s important service industries. The trend of sustainable tourism development, environmental protection, and local cultural preservation could attract more tourists, increase revenue from tourism and related services. This will contribute to GRDP growth and improve the local residents' quality of life.

The development of industrial zones and processing factories can create added value for agricultural and seafood products. This not only increases export value but also creates more jobs, contributing to GRDP growth.

Applying technology and digital transformation in management and business operations can enhance efficiency and labor productivity. Businesses can optimize production processes, reduce costs, and increase competitiveness. This will contribute to GRDP growth through increased production and service value.

Applying high technology to agriculture, such as automated irrigation systems, high-quality crop varieties, and modern cultivation techniques, can increase productivity and product quality. This not only meets domestic demand but also boosts export potential, contributing to GRDP growth.

The development of e-commerce and modern logistics systems can expand the consumption market for Bình Thuận’s goods. This helps businesses more easily reach consumers and international markets, increasing revenue and contributing to GRDP.

These trends, if properly exploited and developed, will bring many benefits to Bình Thuận's economy, contributing to sustainable and stable GRDP growth in the coming years.

Quang Duy - Van Nguyen

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