Why is there a need for a development proposal in the field of cultural industries?

DNHN - In the context of globalization and the booming creative economy, cultural industries are increasingly important in national development strategies. Vietnam needs a development proposal in this field to tap into its potential.

A development proposal in the field of cultural industries is needed
A development proposal in the field of cultural industries is needed. (Ảnh: Internet)

Accordingly, the field of cultural industries not only includes creative activities such as art, music, and cinema but also extends to entertainment industries, media, and tourism. According to UNESCO reports, cultural industries have become a significant industry, contributing around 3% of global GDP and creating millions of jobs. For Vietnam, with its diverse cultural heritage and rich creative foundation, building a development proposal in this field will help exploit economic potential, create new job opportunities, and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

A development proposal in the field of cultural industries can help preserve and promote the value of the country's cultural heritage. Investing in cultural activities not only helps protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage but also encourages creative activities and cultural research. This not only raises awareness about cultural heritage but also helps convey cultural values to future generations and the international community.

Moreover, the field of cultural industries is closely linked to the tourism sector, where cultural events, festivals, and historical sites attract international and domestic tourists. The development proposal in this field will create favorable conditions for organizing large-scale cultural events, thereby promoting tourism and attracting investment in related infrastructure and services. The combination of culture and tourism not only enhances the visitor experience but also generates important income for the local economy.

Therefore, a development proposal in cultural industries can promote innovation and improve the investment environment for creative industries. With a clear policy framework and support programs, artists, producers, and businesses will have more motivation to develop new products and services, thereby enriching the market and improving the quality of cultural products. Creativity not only drives the economy but also contributes to creating new cultural values and enhancing the country's reputation on the international stage.

Building a development proposal in the field of cultural industries will also help raise awareness and cultural education in the community. Cultural education and communication programs will help people better understand the value of culture and its contributions to social life. This not only helps create a more civilized and understanding society but also contributes to protecting and developing the nation's cultural identity.

Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyễn Văn Hùng
Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyễn Văn Hùng. (Ảnh: Quochoi.vn)

At the 36th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the morning of August 21, Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism Nguyễn Văn Hùng provided important information on the implementation of the Resolution related to the cultural industry sector. According to the Minister, the Government has issued Decision No. 1755/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister, approving the strategy for the development of Vietnam's cultural industries until 2020 and vision to 2030.

“To realize the Party's Resolution, the strategy implementation process has been reviewed. As a result, 12 types of cultural industries have been identified, including: architecture, software and entertainment games, handicrafts, design, cinema, publishing, fashion, performing arts, fine arts, photography and exhibition, television and radio, along with cultural tourism. Among these, the Ministry only manages state administration over five industry groups, while other ministries and sectors are responsible for the remaining fields,” Minister Nguyễn Văn Hùng said and noted that the contribution of cultural industries to the economy has now reached a significant proportion.

To continue implementing the cultural industry development strategy, the Ministry has proactively coordinated with the Party, the State, and the Prime Minister. Notably, in 2023, the Prime Minister organized the first-ever national conference on cultural industries to evaluate implementation effectiveness, identify key focuses and tasks, and issue a directive in conjunction with the new cultural industry strategy.

In conclusion, building a development proposal in the field of cultural industries is necessary to tap into economic potential, preserve cultural heritage, promote tourism, encourage innovation, and raise cultural awareness. This is an important step for Vietnam to harness its cultural value while contributing to the country's sustainable development in the era of globalization. Clear policies and support programs will create a solid foundation for the development of the cultural industry sector, bringing long-term benefits to the community and the economy.

Nhan Ha

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