Develop commercial infrastructure types in the direction of civilization and modernity

DNHN - According to the Department of Domestic Market, the purpose and viewpoint of the Ministry of Industry and Trade when developing the Draft Circular is to contribute to the development of various types of commercial infrastructure in the direction of civilization and modernity.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Trade received opinions from voters, and the Departments of Industry and Trade proposed to issue a document to replace Decision No. 1371/2004/QD-BTM dated September 24, 2004, of the Minister of Trade (now the Ministry of Industry and Trade) on promulgating the Regulation on Supermarkets and Trade Centers.

Based on summarizing, reviewing and evaluating the implementation of Decision No. 1371/2004/QD-BTM, opinions of the Departments of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a report on the assessment and handling direction for Decision No. 1371/2004/QD-BTM, included in the Program of developing legal documents in 2022.

To develop all types of commercial infrastructure in the direction of civilization and modernity.
To develop all types of commercial infrastructure in the direction of civilization and modernity.

According to the Department of Domestic Market, the purpose and viewpoint of the Ministry of Industry and Trade when developing the Draft Circular is to contribute to the development of various types of commercial infrastructure in the direction of civilization and modernity to promote goods circulation, socio-economic development according to the orientation of the Strategy "Development of domestic trade in the period to 2030, with a vision to 2045"; to serve the state management of Industry and Trade.

The provisions in the Draft Circular do not overlap or conflict with other legal provisions. The content specified in the Circular does not arise administrative procedures, fill out investment and business conditions.

The draft Circular is built based on relevant specialized laws. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the draft Circular is updated with new regulations.

The development of the Draft Circular also aims to solve the shortcomings of Decision No. 1371/2004/QD-BTM to remove difficulties and obstacles for localities in the management and development of various types of commercial infrastructure. At the same time, contributes to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of management and enforcement of legal provisions for the development and management of various types of commercial infrastructure.


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