By 2022, the ministry of information and communications will accompany and asist 30,000 small and medium - sized businesses in their digital transformation

DNHN - Deputy Minister Nguyen Huy Dung stated that by 2022, the Ministry of Information and Communications will work with 63 localities to implement a program to promote small and medium-sized enterprises' digital transformation; this will include the establishment of a network of digital economic consultants and the organization of a network of community digital technology groups at the commune level to serve as a focal point for assisting people in implementing.


Ảnh minh họa

The Ministry of Information and Communications (TT & TT) conducted a conference in Hanoi on March 24, 2022, to promote the Program to Support Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Digital Transformation (SMEdx) 2022.

The Ministry of Information and Communications boosts production and expands markets for enterprises, allowing them to effectively promote their goods to the market.

The network will conduct training sessions to educate commune authorities on the program's purpose, role, and significance, as well as develop an on-the-spot support force to assist small and medium-sized businesses and homes.

Each commune's manufacturing and commercial sectors should use basic digital transformation support technologies. However, the Deputy Minister said that firms that "operate on digital platforms and those who want to effectively shift digitally must stand on their own two feet."

Vietnam has also resolved to choose the appropriate tools and platform for digital transformation."

In 2022, 100,000 enterprises will be evaluated for conversion.•Nguyen Trong Duong, Deputy Director of the Department of Corporate Management, also said at the conference that SMEdx's new focal point in 2022 would be a toolset for assessing the amount of business digital transformation (DBI).

This toolbox will be used to assess three distinct types of businesses: small and medium-sized organizations, large enterprises, and corporations.

This collection of indicators comprises six pillars: digital customer experience, strategy, digital infrastructure and technology, operations, and digital transformation of company culture, data, and information assets.

Additionally, enterprises will get funding help for digital transformation in 2022. Specifically, pursuant to the Government's Decree 80/2021/ND-CP outlining and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, enterprises will receive 50% support if they hire or purchase certified and announced digital transformation platforms and solutions from the Ministry of Information and Communications.

There are approximately 870,000 businesses in Vietnam, with small and medium-sized businesses accounting for more than 98 percent of them.

It says that the Ministry of Information and Communications will choose good digital platforms to help small and medium-sized businesses with their digital transformation efforts in 2022, with the goal of helping 30,000 small and medium-sized businesses.

Previously, the initiative chose 23 outstanding Make in Vietnam digital platforms to announce and present to enterprises through the website after more than 11 months of operation. As of December 31, 2021, the platform has had over 220,000 visitors, reaching over 37,000 companies.

The initiative targets up to 170,000 companies through SMS brandnames. Additionally, the program receives support and recognition from media organizations ranging from national to local, as well as television and electronic newspapers.

The platform has been chosen by more than 16,000 businesses to take part in the SMEdx program in 2021 because of a variety of ways. Within the framework of the conference, a signing ceremony for a cooperation agreement to support small and medium-sized enterprises in their digital transformation in 2022 was held.

The agreement involved 27 businesses with outstanding digital platforms and recognized four excellent and four outstanding digital platforms with medals.

Thao Anh 

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