An Giang: The loan program assigned capital distribution progress has achieved 97.9% of the plan

DNHN - Mr Luong Quoc Doan, member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Farmers' Association, member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for Social Policies, and the delegation, recently visited and monitored policy credit activities in An Giang province.

Mr Luong Quoc Doan delivered a speech during the Conference.
Mr Luong Quoc Doan delivered a speech during the Conference.

According to a Bank for Social Policy study in An Giang province, the province now has more than 20,100 poor homes, accounting for 3.82% of all households; there are over 31,300 near-poor households, accounting for 5.93% of all households in the province.

Between 2019 and 2021, roughly 32,900 households in the province will be able to escape poverty. According to Prime Minister's Decision No. 353/QD-TTg dated March 15, 2022, the province currently has just Tri Ton district in the impoverished district.

The An Giang provincial branch of Social Policy Bank conducts transactions at 156 transaction sites in 156 communes, wards, and townships, and lends to 18 loan programs.

The overall source of policy credit as of July 31, 2022, is almost VND 3,990 billion. Loan sales in An Giang exceeded VND 771 billion in the first seven months of 2022, with debt collection revenue approaching VND 476 billion. Nearly 146,700 consumers are considered exceptional. The total outstanding credit program loans are almost 3,975 billion VND. The credit program allotted capital distribution progress achieved 97.9% of the goal. The branch's policy credit quality is regarded as good; there are two 9/11 transaction offices with good ratings.

Mr Tran The Loan, Deputy Director in Charge of the An Giang Province Branch of the Social Policy Bank, stated that, despite the accomplishments, the province's policy credit activities continue to confront challenges. The financial source given by the Central Government and People's Committees at all levels to the provincial branch of the Social Policy Bank is insufficient to fulfil the demand for loans to restore the production of impoverished households and policy beneficiaries impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

In the coming years, the Branch will concentrate on collecting past-due debts, timely disbursing disbursements by credit program regulations, and completing 100% of credit plan targets; concentrating on quickly and properly implementing credit programs by the Government's Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP dated January 30, 2022, on the Socio-economic Recovery and Development Program, and implementing Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assemblies.

An Giang Bank representative for the Social Policies Branch requested to the competent authorities that additional capital be added to lend to the employee assistance program and that the loan level for rural clean water and sanitation projects be increased from 20 million to 25 million dong/work.

Mr Luong Quoc Doan, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Farmers' Union, suggested that the An Giang province Board of Directors continue to thoroughly understand the Party's and Government's guidelines and policies, as well as the Board of Directors resolutions, to participate in the meeting the advice Party committees and local governments on how to effectively implement social policy credit activities; continue to provide financial support to the Bank for Social Policies; balance the local budget and transfer it to the Social Policy Bank to lend to poor households and policy beneficiaries.

Entrusted socio-political organizations continue to collaborate with Bank for Social Policies offices to persuade, handle, and collect late loans; increase inspection and oversight of lower-level associations, and swiftly address challenges and problems during contract execution...

The An Giang province branch of the Bank for Social Policies collaborated with localities to urgently and effectively implement policy credit programs following Government Resolution 11 on the Socio-Economic Development and Recovery Program while ensuring good prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic.

P.V (t/h)

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