Why do BNI members pass up lucrative business opportunities?

DNHN - BNI Global members have exchanged 14.3 million business opportunities (referrals) with a total value of $22.3 billion over the past year.

Dr. Ivan Misner founded BNI in 1985, making it the world's largest and most successful business networking organization. Currently, BNI has 11,010 Chapters with 308,210 members in over 79 countries worldwide. Since 1985, BNI members around the world have shared tens of millions of business opportunities.


Why do BNI members pass up so many advantageous business opportunities? Here are some justifications:

BNI attracts members from many different business sectors, making it a diverse network. This creates a knowledge- and resource-rich environment. Members can interact with potential partners from other industries, thereby creating new business opportunities.

BNI focuses on fostering a relationship of trust between its members when establishing relationships. Regular meetings and other networking activities help create opportunities for members to learn about each other and better understand the products and services each provides. This enhances confidence and promotes the sharing of business opportunities.

The guiding principle "Givers Gain - Giving is Receiving": "Givers Gain" is one of BNI's 7 core values. This means that members provide assistance and conduct business with one another before expecting anything in return. Positive interactions and a willingness to share opportunities contribute to the development of a favorable business environment.

When BNI members share business opportunities and introduce each other to potential partners regularly, they gradually build credibility and reputation within the network. This makes members a reliable resource for those searching for goods and services.

Community support: BNI provides a hospitable environment for small businesses and new ventures. Members can gain knowledge from more seasoned individuals, receive assistance in developing their business skills, and gain access to expert advice.

Thus, the fact that BNI members give away so many great business opportunities is largely a result of the organization's supportive environment, trustworthy relationships, and core values, which enable them to create good opportunities for each other. Contribute to the network's overall business development.


Uyen Nhi

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