The Ministry of Industry and Trade intends to continue constructing nearly 2,430 MW of solar power capacity.

DNHN - The Ministry of Industry and Trade has just sent the Prime Minister a report on the review of several items in the draft Power Master Plan 8. Power Plan 8 did not include any additional approved solar power sources, according to this Ministry. Power planning 7 has been modified but not yet implemented to balance electricity supply and demand.


In a document sent to the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Industry and Trade requested that completed projects/parts of projects with a total construction capacity of about 452.62 MW and projects planned and approved by investors with a total capacity of about 1,975.8 MW but not yet put into operation be considered and approved to continue to allow the deployment to put into operation in the period up to 2030. 

However, the Ministry also stated that such projects must strictly adhere to investment and construction regulations, as well as closely monitor the national power system's absorption capacity and the grid's capacity to release capacity. electricity, strictly adhere to the electricity price mechanism at the time of implementation and accept responsibility for the project's efficiency following the approved mechanism 

If the Prime Minister approves, the Ministry of Industry and Trade stated that projects will continue to be implemented until 2030, with the total power capacity of the system in 2030 being approximately 133,878.5 MW for the base plan and approximately 148,358.5 MW for the high-load option for operating. 

The Ministry of Industry and Trade also proposes to postpone the completion of solar power projects with a capacity of 4,136.25 MW that has been planned but has not yet been approved by investors until after 2030. 

As a result, the national power system's absorptive capacity and ability to release local capacity while operating the system safely and economically should be reviewed and calculated on an annual basis. If necessary, consider reporting to the government to allow pushing to the period before 2030 if other sources are behind schedule to ensure socio-economic supply and take advantage of the increasingly lower prices of solar power, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. 

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has also forecasted the demand for electricity by 2030 under three scenarios: low, medium, and high. These scenarios correspond to each period's GDP growth. 

After calculating, the Ministry of Industry and Trade recommends that Power Planning 8 operate under the high-load scenario, with a backup of 15% of the power source capacity if the development of large-capacity power sources only reaches 85%. zoning. Electricity load will rise by 9.84 per cent per year from 2021 to 2025 (equivalent to a 7.5 per cent increase in GDP per year) and 8.88 per cent per year from 2026 to 2030, with GDP rising by 7.2 per cent per year. The total capacity of power plants will be 145,930 MW by 2030. (excluding rooftop solar power and cogeneration sources). 

Concerning the imported LNG gas power plan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade confirmed that LNG projects with a total capacity of 23,900 MW (accounting for 16.4 per cent) expected to develop in Power Plan 8 to 2030 are required. The Ministry of Industry and Trade recommends that the Prime Minister consider seeking guidance from the Politburo or the Central Economic Commission on the aforementioned indicators before approving the Power Master Plan 8.


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