President of VINASME: Need to give more opportunities to small and medium enterprises

DNHN - Mr Nguyen Van Than, Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (VINASME), stressed the critical role of boosting the business investment climate and national competitiveness.

On March 3rd, the Ministry of Planning and Investment coordinated to organize the Conference "Resolution 02: Promoting socio-economic recovery and development" to offer specific solutions to improve the business environment. , improving national competitiveness in 2022.

Mr Nguyen Van Than, Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, believes the government would provide chances for small and medium-sized businesses (Source: Van Do).
Mr Nguyen Van Than, Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, believes the government would provide chances for small and medium-sized businesses (Source: Van Do).

Mr Nguyen Van Than, Chairman of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (VINASME), stressed the critical role of boosting the business investment climate and national competitiveness.

Due to Vietnam's economy's strong integration with the rest of the world, changes aimed at assisting enterprises in developing optimally in a highly competitive business climate and establishing an optimal playing field for international investors are unavoidable necessities.

Mr Than concluded that, three years after Resolution 02 was implemented, Vietnam's competitiveness ranking position on global prestigious rankings had improved greatly in comparison to 2018.

In terms of the quality of the business climate, nearly 60% of organizations judged it as having improved, more clearly in all ten areas, with the founding of businesses and access to power performing the best.

Mr Than stated: "If we look at it from the standpoint of expanding the application of science and technology to manufacturing and business activities of firms, we may only receive 5/10 points. The pace of science and technology application in Vietnam is still relatively slow and has not taken advantage of the country's internet users."

President Nguyen Van Than proposed that the Government invest adequate funds for the development of science and technology applications in general, and particularly technical infrastructure in particular, in the strategy for the period from now to 2025.

Additionally, Mr Than emphasized the importance of businesses across all sectors and industries truly improving the business investment environment and increasing the competitiveness of Vietnamese enterprises of all sizes by ensuring that all enterprises enjoy the same policies and development opportunities.

"When the state expands chances for small and medium-sized businesses, they eventually grow into giant corporations. As a result, I continue to earnestly urge the National Assembly and the Government to consider and fund approximately 30% of public investment projects and small and medium-sized firm projects," Chairman Nguyen Van Than stated.


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