Phu Tho Organize a seminar to distinguish real and fake goods, help protect consumers

DNHN - The Anti-Counterfeiting and Protecting Intellectual Property Rights of Foreign-Invested Enterprises in Vietnam (VACIP), hosted a seminar on distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit versions of specific trademarked products.

Conference Overview.
Conference Overview..

At the workshop, experts from VACIP updated market management forces, the Provincial Police, and the Sub-Department of Standards, Metrology, and Quality on the situation of counterfeit goods and intellectual property rights infringement, as well as on the knowledge, skills, and intellectual property rights.

In addition, functional forces are instructed on how to look up and search for websites selling counterfeit and counterfeit goods; methods and techniques for coordinating with brand protection specialists of brands in detecting and handling counterfeit goods...

The Association for Anti-Counterfeiting and Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Foreign-Invested Enterprises in Vietnam guides market management forces on how to distinguish real and fake goods.
The Association for Anti-Counterfeiting and Intellectual Property Rights Protection of Foreign-Invested Enterprises in Vietnam guides market management forces on how to distinguish real and fake goods..

Through the seminar on distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit goods, market management forces and specialized agencies can enhance their brand recognition, ability to distinguish between authentic and counterfeit goods and understanding of intellectual property rights. Intelligence in the process of inspecting and controlling the market, combating smuggling, commercial fraud, and counterfeiting, and contributing to the protection of consumer health and interests.


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