Jonathan Hanh Nguyen: Entrepreneur who looks for ways to bring money back to Vietnam

DNHN - 2021 is also likely to be a year of remarkable achievement for Lien Pacific Group under the leadership of Chairman Nguyen Hanh in defeating the epidemic. Along with material contributions to Ho Chi Minh City and the entire country's anti-epidemic efforts, the group has also developed massive business projects for 2022.


Hanh Nguyen: Entrepreneur who looks for ways to bring money back to Vietnam..
Hanh Nguyen: Entrepreneur who looks for ways to bring money back to Vietnam.

Mr. Johnathan Hanh Nguyen has pursued the notion of establishing and expanding an international financial hub in Vietnam for many years as a means of establishing a nest for the "king eagle" to land. such that cash flow is likewise impacted.

Ms. Le Hong Thuy Tien, General Director of Inter-Pacific Group (IPPG), was completely objective in stating that her husband is a "extremely patriotic businessman"!

Mr. Hanh is now in the rear-view mirror, chairing the IPPG Member Council, and has also re-entered Vietnamese nationality under the new name Nguyen Hanh, which appears in a recent administrative record.However, his life is the clearest proof of patriotism that anybody can see, and his enviable reputation on the international stage continues to grow daily.

Find the mechanism for "King Eagle"

Calling him mid-afternoon Sunday to "confirm" the direction Da Nang and several other cities are taking in response to the IPPG's offered proposals, he answered immediately, his customary enthusiastic laugh still crisp.

He stated:”A financial centre where investors can invest their money safely. However, the term "financial center" has taken on a new connotation in recent years, encompassing not only the construction of a few buildings but also the solicitation of bank leases. Concerning the actual financial center, it is vital to have special policies in place for reputed investors in the world's top financial industry, in order to mobilize kings to pour money into the capital.”

He continued:”"Not all king eagles immediately pour money. We do not have them as a result of systems and policies. They invest only in nations and territories with competitive regulations and systems, such as Hong Kong and Singapore. When investors invest in financial centers, they are not obligated to remain stationary. It must attract investment through new economic models such as free trade zones, duty-free zones, and high-end complex resorts; it must also invest in industries critical to Vietnam's economic development... Which is now following the global trend of growth, particularly in light of the COVID-19 epidemic, the government-approved free trade zones and non-tariff zones Asia's countries promote expansion in order to attract investment and boost domestic demand. Our non-tariff zones have regressed too far. China and other nations are two decade ahead of us!". 

Johnathan Hanh Nguyen, a multibillionaire, and American
Johnathan Hanh Nguyen, a multibillionaire, and American "big men" invest in 45 projects in Vietnam.

Find strategic investors to develop key economic regions

He said:”Must appear to be substantial. With the same piece of land, investors with the right level of commitment, heart, and investment class can generate numerous additional resonance benefits for the community, contributing to the development of the national economy through additional benefits such as international tourism and investor attraction... not just selling real estate.”

As the "leader" to build the Vietnam International Financial Center of a consortium of powerful foreign investors, Mr Hanh revealed:”Using the experience and resources of the consortium's investors, the IPPG discussed and agreed that as soon as Vietnam approves the Financial Center's institutions, mechanisms, and policies, the IPPG and Investors will synchronously deploy key projects in nine provinces and cities with a capital scale of hundreds of billions of dollars.”

He added:”Along with non-tariff initiatives, we will construct branded streetscapes in major commercial and service cities, forming bustling destinations for over 40 key projects that the corporation and proposed consortium of investors would undertake.”

Assuming nothing changes, the inaugural flight of his cargo airline, IPP Air Cargo, would land at Da Nang International Airport on June 6, 2022, simultaneously with the airport's launch. IPPG obtained the privilege to host and sponsor the conference aimed at expanding Asia's aviation routes.This will also be a dramatic comeback for a businessman once dubbed "the one who paved the way" for assisting Vietnam in breaking the embargo and integrating with the rest of the globe more than 30 years ago.

Hoang Khanh

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