Investment attraction to BacKan is prosperous, will shows great promise

DNHN - Based on the improved transportation infrastructure, since the early 2021, investment attraction into BacKan is increasing fast. Many fields were no dominance but now are advantageous, showing great promise for this Province.

Drifted Clouds on Don Den’s Top – Ba Be District
Drifted Clouds on Don Den’s Top – Ba Be District.

Because of the divided topography, wide land, sparsely populationin the last years, the investment into Bac Kan Urban Areas seem to be risk for investors. But now, many new investments into Provinces and City of Bac Kan appear regularly.

As the BacKan Department of Planning & Investment, Province Leaders have accepted for five Investors to do detail master plan of new urbans in Bac Kan City, Cho Don District. New urbans have been registered by some big investors as recently, for example the Residential District Project behind the Provincial Party Committee invested by FLC Group with more than 1,500 billion VND; Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Residential Trade & Market District Project invested by Tay Bac Investment Joint Stock Company with more than 129 billion VND; Duc Xuan 4 Residential District Project stage 1 invested by Joint Venture between TNR Holdings VN and HANO-VID with more than 97 billion VND… 

BacKan Province’s Leader do location survey for suggestion of constructing Urban Area in Cho Moi District
BacKan Province’s Leader do location survey for suggestion of constructing Urban Area in Cho Moi District.

Moreover, the Projects as Bac Song Cau Urban Area in Bac Kan City; the technical infrastructure construction for Urban Residential District in 1A and 2A Group, Bang Lung Town - Cho Don District, Cho Ra Town – Ba Be District; Urban Residential District in Xay Dung Group and Pa Danh Group of Huyen Tung Ward – Bac Kan City … have been making procedures to choose investors.

Hydroelectric field also increase unexpected compare with the last years. As BacKan Department of Industry & Trade, up to October 2021, seven companies ask for permissions to do eleven small hydroelectric projects in Pac Nam, Bach Thong, Na Ri, Cho Moi, Ba Be. Of which, some projects have been submitted to Province People’s Committee for investment approving such as: Nam Cat 2 Hydroelectricity; My Thanh Hydroelectricity; KhuoiThocHydroelectricity; Pac Nam Hydroelectricity…

Tourism field in Bac Kan has been also received the investment suggestion into Ba Be Lake, Cho Don District, Cho Moi District, some projects therein will bring unexpected innovation for the local areas that are difficult in economy.

In Bang Phuc Commune (Cho Don District) and Dong Phuc (Ba Be District), Truong Thanh Group Joint Stock Company commit funds to zoning Bac Kan experiential &resort tourism area in 1/2.000 ratio,if it be realized, this will be a Golf and Resort Tourist Area.

Some other big investors have committed funds to zoning and project investment, and BacKan will have four Golf Areas, two to three Tourism Areas at national level, be the new tourism destination.

Mr. Hoang Ha Bac – The Director of Bac Kan Department of Industry & Trade said: to overcome the lack of clean land, since 2021 Bac Kan has invested by Province’s budget to builfour industrial zones in favorable locations. Presently, Huyen Tung Industrial Zone (BacKan city) with 16 ha under construction have total investment more than 90 billion VND. This Industrial Zone will go to active in February 2022, many investors wish to “Book” now. Since 2022, Province will invest to build VangMuoi Industrial Zone (Na Ri  District), Chu Huong Industrial Zone (Ba Be District) and Nam Bang Lung Industrial Zone (Cho Don District) with more than 200 billion VND total investment.

Besides, OSEN FUJI Tourism & Service Joint Stock Company invest into Quang Chu Industrial Zone (Cho Moi District) having more than 74 ha area with more than 456 billion VND. Viet Nam Oil & Gas Asphalt Joint Stock Company invest into Cam GiangIndustrial Zone (Bach Thong District) having 43 ha with more than 421 billion VND. When these Industrial Zones be completed, it will create large areas to welcome investors.

The improvement in transportation infrastructure is the main reason to attract investment into BacKan during the last time. Now, the Government’s decision to invest into constructing High Way from Cho Moi to BacKan City and Tourism Way from Bac Kan City to Ba Be Lake connecting to Na Hang (TuyenQuang Province) create a big motivation since the undertaking of this investment. Cao Bang Province and BacKan Province together have proposed to Government investing to construct High Way from Bac Kan to Cao Bang.

Since the beginning of this year, As the Bac Kan Department of Planning & Investment, the Province have accepted for investment plans into 13 projects with more than 1,100 billion VND total investment, do expertise 10 projects with more than 3,000 billion VND total investment, there are 20 Enterprises agree funds for project research. This number comparing with the last years and in complicated Convid-19 Disease background is unexpected step. The investment fields are varieties also. Most of investment projects into BacKan were mining and mineral processing in last years.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan – The Deputy Director of BacKan Department of Planning & Investment said that comparing with the last years, investment attraction to Bac Kan can be confirmed to have great steps forward. If no effected by Covid-19 Disease, many projects can be performed earlier. “Red Carpet Spread” for investors, BacKan have issued regulation of promotive investment combination; guiding notebook for investment procedure into Province; Improving administrative reform. The Province continue to publish the book about Bac Kan investment potential and opportunity in Vietnamese and English to attract foreign investment capital./.


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