iHaNoi app: Enhancing transparency and citizen participation in Hanoi

DNHN - In accordance with directive number 05/CD-UBND issued today, Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, Mr. Tran Sy Thanh, has outlined several specific instructions for the effective implementation of the iHaNoi application.

The iHaNoi app was developed to enhance transparency and promote the participation of citizens and businesses in administrative and managerial activities, contributing to the development of a digital government, digital economy, and digital society in Hanoi.

The iHaNoi app serves as a digital interaction platform between citizens, businesses, and the Hanoi city government
The iHaNoi app serves as a digital interaction platform between citizens, businesses, and the Hanoi city government.

According to directive number 05/CD-UBND issued today, Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, Tran Sy Thanh, has provided several specific instructions for the effective implementation of this application. Firstly, he requires all departments, agencies, and units under the city to ensure that 100% of their staff, officials, and public employees install and use iHaNoi by July 30, 2024. These units must also thoroughly address the feedback and requests from citizens and businesses in a timely and quality manner as stipulated. The city police are tasked with mobilizing forces to assist in installing and using iHaNoi for the public, as well as ensuring cybersecurity and stable operation of the app. The Office of the People's Committee will coordinate with units to organize training and usage instructions for officials and citizens, ensuring the 1022 hotline - branch number 8 operates effectively to support citizens.

The Department of Information and Communications will enhance propaganda efforts and maintain the technical infrastructure supporting the iHaNoi app. This department will also collaborate with relevant agencies to monitor information safety and security.

The Department of Education and Training will promote iHaNoi to all teachers and students from secondary school level upwards. The Management Board of Industrial and Export Processing Zones in Hanoi will guide workers and laborers to install and use the application.

The Department of Home Affairs is tasked with monitoring and inspecting the process of handling feedback and requests on the iHaNoi application. Additionally, this department will incorporate the usage of iHaNoi into the evaluation criteria for administrative reform index (PAR INDEX) and the public satisfaction index (SIPAS).

Chairpersons of the People's Committees of districts, towns, and communes will promote and guide the installation of the iHaNoi application to residents, ensuring completion by September 15, 2024. Businesses, schools, and media agencies are required to closely coordinate with the government to propagate and implement iHaNoi, ensuring that all residents and businesses are aware of, install, and use this application.

Lastly, the Chairman of the People's Committee calls on all citizens of the capital to continue to support, trust, and unite with the government in building a green, smart, modern, and sustainable Hanoi.

The iHaNoi application is not just a digital interaction platform but also a crucial tool in modernizing the city's management system and serving its residents and businesses effectively.

An Thao

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