Green Enterprise with sustainable strategy and ecological mindset

DNHN - Recently, on August 29th, Phuc Khang Corporation (PKC) was honored with the title of “Green Enterprise of Ho Chi Minh City 2024.”

CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu (center) represents Phuc Khang Corporation in receiving the title of “Green Enterprise of Ho Chi Minh City 2024.”
CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu (center) represents Phuc Khang Corporation in receiving the title of “Green Enterprise of Ho Chi Minh City 2024.”.

This event marks an important milestone in the company’s commitment to the environment and society, aligning with the growing trend of green development in Vietnam and globally.

The “Green Enterprise of Ho Chi Minh City 2024” award was organized by the Ho Chi Minh City Business Association (HUBA) in collaboration with Saigon Giai Phong Newspaper. To earn this recognition, participating businesses must meet comprehensive evaluation criteria, including compliance with environmental protection laws, adherence to environmental standards and regulations, proper environmental management documentation, and other related issues.

The combination of a long-term sustainable strategy established since the company’s inception and an ecological mindset maintained throughout its operations and development has been a vital force driving Phuc Khang Corporation, a leading green building developer, to meet rigorous criteria and be recognized as a “Green Enterprise of Ho Chi Minh City 2024.”

Green Enterprise with sustainable strategy

From the very beginning, PKC’s sustainable development strategy has been a key factor in meeting the strict criteria required to become a truly “green enterprise” today.

Firstly, Phuc Khang Corporation set its sights early on becoming a pioneering green building developer with the vision of becoming the “leading international standard green real estate brand in Vietnam” by 2035. Over more than 15 years of growth and development, PKC has pursued its mission to “pioneer and promote the creation of a better lifestyle for public health and a sustainable humanistic ecological environment according to global green standards.”

Furthermore, green buildings (CTX) have become an important means for PKC to produce high-quality, responsible products that align with global trends, spread the spirit of green living to the community, and contribute to both national and international green growth strategies. As a result, PKC has worked hard to perfect its green building products according to stringent standards such as LEED (U.S. Green Building Council) and LOTUS (Vietnam Green Building Council).

Diamond Lotus Riverside – a standout project that PKC has passionately developed according to strict green building standards
Diamond Lotus Riverside – a standout project that PKC has passionately developed according to strict green building standards.

Notable PKC green buildings include the high-end Diamond Lotus Riverside apartment complex (Le Quang Kim, Ward 8, District 8, Ho Chi Minh City) and the Van Hoa - Thuong Mai - Du Lich Lang Sen Viet Nam urban area (Duc Hoa, Long An). These products are registered and built to LEED and LOTUS Gold standards. PKC is committed to completing these projects to create a perfect green ecosystem: green from design to environmentally friendly building materials; green during construction and green in operations to achieve goals such as energy savings, efficient water use, CO2 emissions reduction, and improved indoor and outdoor environmental quality.

PKC’s journey toward becoming a true “green enterprise” also includes a significant milestone in the company’s most recent anniversary celebration. PKC announced a comprehensive ESG action strategy, adhering to sustainable development goals across three dimensions: Environmental - Social - Governance. This strategy affirms the company’s trend towards integration, as well as its social responsibility in sustainable governance for a greener environment and a happier community.

Clearly, PKC has methodically built a journey to gradually overcome barriers, improve its competitiveness, and become a sustainable “green enterprise” with long-lasting value.

Green Enterprise with an ecological mindset

A sustainable strategy plays a significant role in shaping a green enterprise from its inception. However, to truly build and transform a business into a “genuinely green” enterprise, an additional key element is required: an “ecological mindset.” This mindset first emerges from the co-founders and leaders of the business and then spreads to inspire every employee, the next generation, as well as partners, customers, and the surrounding community.

CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu shares her views and the company’s green strategy at the Vietnam Green Building Week 2023 event
CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu shares her views and the company’s green strategy at the Vietnam Green Building Week 2023 event.

The leadership team at Phuc Khang Corporation (PKC), led by CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu, has been early adopters of the global green trend. As a key member of the Vietnam Green Building Council (VGBC) – a member organization of the World Green Building Council – CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu has accumulated valuable knowledge and experience through attending courses, seminars, and discussions with green building and green economy experts, and working with international partners from Japan, Singapore, the U.S., the Philippines, and Indonesia. This foundation has allowed her to build a green organization and a green enterprise. With this knowledge, CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu has made sound decisions and guided PKC to stay committed to the goal of creating green buildings that meet international standards, thereby driving the green enterprise forward.

The term “Green CEO” is a nickname often affectionately given to Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu by partners and the media. She has also been the keynote speaker at numerous forums and scientific conferences both domestically and internationally on topics related to green building development, urban planning, and green urban construction. Additionally, CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu actively contributes to discussions and advises on legal policies related to green buildings, sustainable development, green growth, and the circular economy.

“To create green products, one must have an ecological mindset,” and to establish a truly “green enterprise,” the role of a green culture within the organization is indispensable. PKC's team is continuously inspired by CEO Lưu Thị Thanh Mẫu to embrace an ecological mindset and a green lifestyle. Every year, PKC organizes regular training sessions on green buildings, building green offices, green living, and sustainable consumption (saving water, electricity, energy, land, air, and protecting the environment).

In addition to internal initiatives, PKC also spreads ecological thinking and green living to the broader community, particularly by sharing green knowledge with the younger generation. This is reflected in specific actions the company has taken, such as collaborating with universities to organize Green Study Tours, awarding scholarships, and promoting and expanding green knowledge among university students both in Vietnam and abroad. PKC also hosts annual field trips to its green building projects, provides internships at the company for university students, and supports and sponsors competitions focused on innovative design, low-carbon architecture, and green construction projects.

Becoming a truly “green enterprise” is not just about meeting the criteria set by an organizing committee; it is a long journey that requires a well-thought-out strategy from the beginning, coupled with the consistent spread of ecological thinking, green culture, and green living. Therefore, the title of “Green Enterprise” is not merely an award that PKC has achieved; it is also a significant milestone on the path toward a sustainable future that PKC has set and continues to work toward.

Lap Phuoc

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