Extra money to put loan policies into place that encourage job creation

DNHN - By Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP, the Government has recently released Resolution No. 181/NQ-CP, which modifies the expenditure tasks for implementing preferential lending policies through the Bank for Social Policies.


To supplement the support loan policy, the resolution explicitly states that the expected capital plan adjustment for the four preferential loan policies through the Bank for Social Policies (Social Policies) is not fully disbursed, up to a maximum of VND 15,500 billion. the National Assembly's Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 on fiscal and monetary policies to support the Recovery Programme and socio-economic development, as well as Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP dated January 30, 2022 of the Government on the Socio-economic Recovery and Development Programme and the implementation of Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies to support the Programme until December 31, 2023, with a maximum of 38,400 billion VND. generate, maintain, and grow employment opportunities; guarantee the overall outstanding debt of preferential loan policies.

* Before this, the Government implemented Resolution No. 43/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly on Fiscal and Monetary Policies Supporting the Programme and issued Resolution 11/NQ-CP on January 30, 2022, regarding the Socio-economic Recovery and Development Programme.

The Resolution lists the following as beneficiaries: People and workers impacted by the epidemic; Businesses, cooperatives, business homes; and industries and fields that inspire the economy's recovery and growth.

Support time: primarily implemented in the years 2022–2023; based on the epidemic's progression, some policies may be extended or enhanced with implementation resources.

The Social Policy Bank estimates that by the end of June 2023, 351,000 customers will have received loans through the system, having disbursed over 19,000 billion VND—a rise of over 3,000 billion VND from 2022.

With a capital of 139,000 billion VND, the Social Policy Bank has provided policy credit programmes with 2% interest rate support to over 3.3 million customers since the beginning of 2022. 1,940 billion VND is the total amount of interest rate support provided to customers.

The amount of loans outstanding from policy credit programmes is increasing, but the quality of debt is staying the same. 0.62% of the total amount of outstanding debt is made up of the ratio of overdue and frozen debt (of which overdue debt accounts for 0.17% and frozen debt accounts for 0.45%).

More than 310,000 jobs have been created, more than 4,000 workers have been assisted in finding temporary employment abroad, more than 25,000 students in challenging circumstances have been assisted in obtaining study loans, and more than 3,000 households have received loans to purchase computers and online learning resources for their children. These achievements have been made possible by social policy credit capital in the first half of 2023.

More than 871,000 clean water and sanitation projects in rural areas, 571 houses for impoverished households to stabilise their lives, and more than 7,000 social housing units for policy beneficiaries were built with the help of policy credit capital.

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