The drum is revered as Vietnam's guardian. Blank watches are becoming highly popular as presents and home accessories. However, not every client who owns a wristwatch is aware of the secret significance of the intricate designs on our wrists. This is not only a hoa of the people of the art mode, but it is also the beauty but the life of the life, and he has passed it down from generation to generation.

The drum is revered as Vietnam's guardian. Blank watches are becoming highly popular as presents and home accessories. However, not every client who owns a wristwatch is aware of the secret significance of the intricate designs on our wrists. This is not only a hoa of the people of the art mode, but it is also the beauty but the life of the life, and he has passed it down from generation to generation.


Dong Son bronze drums have been around since the Hung King period, in the 6th and
7th century BC in our country's north. The size of the bronze drum varies greatly; the
biggest drum may be up to 90cm in diameter, over 60cm in height, and weigh up to
Because of the size and weight of the drum, the brackets are constructed of copper
alloy that is fused and molded; because of the size and weight of the drum, the workers
must be craftsmen with many years of experience in the profession.

Dong Son bronze drums have been around since the Hung King period, in the 6th and 7th century BC in our country's north. The size of the bronze drum varies greatly; the biggest drum may be up to 90cm in diameter, over 60cm in height, and weigh up to 100kg.

Because of the size and weight of the drum, the brackets are constructed of copper alloy that is fused and molded; because of the size and weight of the drum, the workers must be craftsmen with many years of experience in the profession.


The ancients frequently employed bronze drums to announce combat, according to historical accounts. According to the book

The ancients frequently employed bronze drums to announce combat, according to historical accounts. According to the book "Cuong Mu," hay will be employed as a musical instrument, along with an orchestra, in the feudal dynasty or in the army. Furthermore, there is a tradition in some areas of Hoa Binh province of utilizing drums during funerals or the Muong festival.

The bronze drums were also a symbol of the monarchs' and forces' might and force at the period. Bronze drums are often awarded by kings to ethnic minority leaders as a symbol of the state's control over autonomous, largely free territories.


Aside from being a musical instrument, the bronze drum is also a symbol of authority,
festivals, faiths, and so on. The most fundamental meaning of Dong Son bronze drums
may be described as a realistic historical depiction of ancient Vietnamese agricultural
practices. Many themes are engraved on the surface and surrounding the body of Dong
Son bronze drums, such as the sun, the stilt home, the rice pounder, the flying stork, the
boat, the drummer, the dancer, the responder;...

Aside from being a musical instrument, the bronze drum is also a symbol of authority, festivals, faiths, and so on. The most fundamental meaning of Dong Son bronze drums may be described as a realistic historical depiction of ancient Vietnamese agricultural practices. Many themes are engraved on the surface and surrounding the body of Dong Son bronze drums, such as the sun, the stilt home, the rice pounder, the flying stork, the boat, the drummer, the dancer, the responder;...

"...The Hung Kings had virtues to create the country, Uncle and grandson must work together to safeguard the country," Uncle Ho once stated. Along with many additional drums from all throughout Vietnam, these are all incredibly precious documentation confirming the origin of the birth and have had a hallowed role in the Vietnamese people's spiritual life.


Dong Son bronze drums are more than simply animists; the bronze drum is the message
that produces the most concentrated emblem of successes in economic, cultural, social
activities, and state power. Hung Vuong State was the first to be founded in our country.
These are

Dong Son bronze drums are more than simply animists; the bronze drum is the message that produces the most concentrated emblem of successes in economic, cultural, social activities, and state power. Hung Vuong State was the first to be founded in our country. These are "evidences" upholding the values of tradition, profound humanistic principles of the Vietnamese people throughout the history of nation building and protecting the country with numerous events, ups and downs, and still standing proudly.


Ảnh minh họa
Ảnh minh họa
Ảnh minh họa
Winter solstice: A home on stilts, with a pair of birds on the roof, and three people laying
and sitting up, is depicted at the radius line from the center of the flower. An item like a
mortar is laying on its side in the right corner of the home on stilts on the ground. In the
left corner, there's a drawing of a toddler tapping on an object, like a miniature drum, to
sound an alarm.
It is possible that the animals snooze until the winter solstice to awaken; at the same time,
the buds of flowers and leaves on the tree begin to emerge; beginning a new adventure.

Winter solstice: A home on stilts, with a pair of birds on the roof, and three people laying and sitting up, is depicted at the radius line from the center of the flower. An item like a mortar is laying on its side in the right corner of the home on stilts on the ground. In the left corner, there's a drawing of a toddler tapping on an object, like a miniature drum, to sound an alarm.

It is possible that the animals snooze until the winter solstice to awaken; at the same time, the buds of flowers and leaves on the tree begin to emerge; beginning a new adventure.

Ảnh minh họa
The star image on the blank surface represents the sun. The ancient Vietnamese saw the
sun as a limitless source of natural energy that could be used to aid in food production.
Despite their lack of scientific understanding at the time, they were aware of the importance of the sun to agriculture and daily life. The sun not only serves to brighten, but they
also anticipate good rain to assist with the harmony, allowing the fields to be lusher and
the harvests to be more numerous.

The star image on the blank surface represents the sun. The ancient Vietnamese saw the sun as a limitless source of natural energy that could be used to aid in food production. Despite their lack of scientific understanding at the time, they were aware of the importance of the sun to agriculture and daily life. The sun not only serves to brighten, but they also anticipate good rain to assist with the harmony, allowing the fields to be lusher and the harvests to be more numerous.

Ảnh minh họa
The appearance of a bird with lofty legs, a large beak, and high wings on the surface of the
drum is not natural. This bird is known as the Lac bird, and despite its thin physique, it is a
sign of robust and enduring vitality.
Chim Lac also instills in spectators a sense of freedom, ease, and a burning passion. This is
also the goal of our Vietnamese people in the past to achieve higher and further. The picture
of the Lac bird is still widely used today. This is also a representation of the cultural splendor of the Vietnamese country, which has existed for a long time.

The appearance of a bird with lofty legs, a large beak, and high wings on the surface of the drum is not natural. This bird is known as the Lac bird, and despite its thin physique, it is a sign of robust and enduring vitality.

Lac birds also instills in spectators a sense of freedom, ease, and a burning passion. This is also the goal of our Vietnamese people in the past to achieve higher and further. The picture of the Lac bird is still widely used today. This is also a representation of the cultural splendor of the Vietnamese country, which has existed for a long time.

Ảnh minh họa
There are two dwellings visible in the design of the stilt house on the Dong Son bronze
drum. These houses all have one thing in common: two columns on the outside and an additional column in the center. In actuality, the middle column is a ladder that leads up to the
home since people used to have to build houses on stilts to prevent wild animals.
The distinction between these two buildings is in their roofs; it is stated that houses with
curving roofs are people's residences, but structures with round roofs are frequently associated with beliefs and worship.
The ancient Vietnamese were not only precise in each depiction, but even the smallest elements of the home were portrayed on the surface of the bronze drum. This also demonstrates the significance of our Vietnamese people's long-held belief in ancestor worship and

There are two dwellings visible in the design of the stilt house on the Dong Son bronze drum. These houses all have one thing in common: two columns on the outside and an additional column in the center. In actuality, the middle column is a ladder that leads up to the home since people used to have to build houses on stilts to prevent wild animals.

The distinction between these two buildings is in their roofs; it is stated that houses with curving roofs are people's residences, but structures with round roofs are frequently associated with beliefs and worship.

The ancient Vietnamese were not only precise in each depiction, but even the smallest elements of the home were portrayed on the surface of the bronze drum. This also demonstrates the significance of our Vietnamese people's long-held belief in ancestor worship and gods.

Ảnh minh họa
Following that, the boat is a symbol of the period's advancement in military technology.
During this time, the ancient Vietnamese learned how to utilize wood to make dwellings,
boats, and fishing boats. You may even use it to keep the adversary from accessing the
region. Images of warriors brandishing knives, spears, bows and arrows, battle drums, and
even hunting dogs will emerge on the boat.
There are also many more themes on the surface and body of the Dong Son bronze drum,
such as deer, buffalo, pheasant, peacock, raft, herring, chicken, toad, fish, and so on... All of
these creatures are common in people's daily lives.

Following that, the boat is a symbol of the period's advancement in military technology. During this time, the ancient Vietnamese learned how to utilize wood to make dwellings, boats, and fishing boats. You may even use it to keep the adversary from accessing the region. Images of warriors brandishing knives, spears, bows and arrows, battle drums, and even hunting dogs will emerge on the boat.

There are also many more themes on the surface and body of the Dong Son bronze drum, such as deer, buffalo, pheasant, peacock, raft, herring, chicken, toad, fish, and so on... All of these creatures are common in people's daily lives.

Today, bronze drum items are solely used as an antique for show, despite the fact that they
are not widely employed in everyday life. The Dong Son bronze drums, on the other hand,
are a very precious artifact, evidence and foundation for generational continuity.
Bronze drums are also utilized for decoration in many offices, conference rooms, and corporate lobbies, as well as in huge organizations. This is also a common memento to give to
leaders, partners, and key conferences and events. This gift is significant not just in terms
of art, but also as a message to promote our country's traditional cultural attractiveness.

Today, bronze drum items are solely used as an antique for show, despite the fact that they are not widely employed in everyday life. The Dong Son bronze drums, on the other hand, are a very precious artifact, evidence and foundation for generational continuity.

Bronze drums are also utilized for decoration in many offices, conference rooms, and corporate lobbies, as well as in huge organizations. This is also a common memento to give to leaders, partners, and key conferences and events. This gift is significant not just in terms of art, but also as a message to promote our country's traditional cultural attractiveness.

The major instrument utilized at the period, the trumpet and the drum, may be seen on the
Dong Son bronze drum. These are two musical instruments that are frequently heard
during festivals.
Furthermore, the blank vignette is related with two distinct images. The first is a drum,
which is played by a local in a house or on a boat to maintain time. The drum is then put
on a rack near the ground, accompanied by a drum set, and a person wielding a long stick
to beat vertically. This is an image that occurs frequently during festivals, and it can still
be seen at the Muong ethnic group's festivities in Hoa Binh province to this day.

The major instrument utilized at the period, the trumpet and the drum, may be seen on the Dong Son bronze drum. These are two musical instruments that are frequently heard during festivals.

Furthermore, the blank vignette is related with two distinct images. The first is a drum, which is played by a local in a house or on a boat to maintain time. The drum is then put on a rack near the ground, accompanied by a drum set, and a person wielding a long stick to beat vertically. This is an image that occurs frequently during festivals, and it can still be seen at the Muong ethnic group's festivities in Hoa Binh province to this day.

Today, bronze drum items are solely used as an antique for show, despite the fact that they
are not widely employed in everyday life. The Dong Son bronze drums, on the other
hand, are a very precious artifact, evidence and foundation for generational continuity.
Bronze drums are also utilized for decoration in many offices, conference rooms, and
corporate lobbies, as well as in huge organizations. This is also a common memento to
give to leaders, partners, and key conferences and events. This gift is significant not just
in terms of art, but also as a message to promote our country's traditional cultural attractiveness.

Today, bronze drum items are solely used as an antique for show, despite the fact that they are not widely employed in everyday life. The Dong Son bronze drums, on the other hand, are a very precious artifact, evidence and foundation for generational continuity.

Bronze drums are also utilized for decoration in many offices, conference rooms, and corporate lobbies, as well as in huge organizations. This is also a common memento to give to leaders, partners, and key conferences and events. This gift is significant not just in terms of art, but also as a message to promote our country's traditional cultural attractiveness.

Ảnh minh họa




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