Consider changing the pricing rules for irrigation goods and services

DNHN - The Ministry of Finance has given the Government a Decree to review and pass that sets prices for irrigation products and services and explains how the State will help with the management and use of irrigation work.

The Ministry of Finance has presented to the Government for review and promulgation a Decree establishing irrigation product and service pricing, as well as the State's support policies for irrigation work management and exploitation.

The Draft Decree, according to the Ministry of Finance, has changed several articles on the pricing of irrigation goods and services in line with the legislation and actual execution.

Voters in Binh Dinh province say that in Decision No. 1477/QD-BTC dated August 5, 2021, the Ministry of Finance set the maximum price for public irrigation goods and services for 2021. This price is the same as the price that was in effect from 2018 to 2020.

Meanwhile, several expenditures rose and were not reflected in the pricing of public irrigation goods and services, resulting in inadequate support funding for irrigation management and operation, such as repair and maintenance. repairs regularly, canal dredging, maintenance charges, etc.

Consider changing the pricing rules for irrigation goods and services
Consider changing the pricing rules for irrigation goods and services.

Voters asked that the Ministry of Finance evaluate the proposed local pricing plan documents to supplement relevant expenses when promulgating rules on the maximum price of public irrigation goods and services in 2022.

Mandarin, at the same time, announce the maximum price for public irrigation goods and services by the previous period's roadmap (5 years), to ensure conformity with the real situation in the administration and operation of the works. local irrigation

In response to the above recommendations, the Ministry of Finance informed that Article 3 of Decree No. 96/2018/ND-CP dated June 30, 2018, stipulating prices of irrigation products and services and support for product use fees, irrigation public utility services, has specified the items of costs and profits expected to be included in the price of public irrigation products and services.

Clause 1 of Article 36 of the Law on Irrigation states that the state must provide money for the use of public irrigation goods and services in each period, depending on the state budget's capabilities.

According to Article 37 of the Law on Irrigation, financial sources in the management and exploitation of irrigation works include revenue from the supply of irrigation goods and services; grants and subsidies from the state budget; and other legal items.

At the same time, the following financial sources have been particularly directed in Articles 4, 5, and 6 of Circular No. 73/2018/TT-BTC dated August 15, 2018, advising the use of financial resources in management and exploiting irrigation works utilizing state capital.

As a result, the Ministry of Finance stated that to support the management and exploitation of irrigation works, the provincial People's Committees, the units managing the irrigation works, can mobilize and use other sources (revenue from the provision of irrigation products and services and other legal sources), particularly in the current context and budgetary capacity.

The Ministry of Finance has sent the Government a decree about the prices of irrigation products and services and the State's policies for helping with the management and use of irrigation works.

This decree will replace Decree No. 96/2018/ND-CP from June 30, 2018, about the prices of irrigation products and services and support for their use.

After the government issues the decree, the Ministry of Finance will work with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other agencies to aid communities in implementing the requirements.


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