Ba Ria - Vung Tau: Workshop on "Experience in implementing social housing projects..."

DNHN - On the evening of July 13th, the Provincial Architects Association of Ba Ria - Vung Tau held a workshop on "Experience in implementing social housing projects by Ong & Ong Group in Singapore and Malaysia, lessons learned for Vietnam".

The first social housing project in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province is located at 217 Nguyen Huu Canh, Vung Tau City
The first social housing project in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province is located at 217 Nguyen Huu Canh, Vung Tau City.

On the evening of July 13th, the Provincial Architects Association of Ba Ria - Vung Tau held a workshop on "Experience in implementing social housing projects by Ong & Ong Group in Singapore and Malaysia, lessons learned for Vietnam". The workshop was attended by leaders of the Vietnam Architects Association, the Provincial Department of Construction, and representatives from various sectors, industries, and professional associations within and outside the province.

The delegates, guests, and businesses attended the workshop
The delegates, guests, and businesses attended the workshop. (Ảnh: Bich Lien)

Architect Nguyen Duc Lap, Chairman of the Provincial Architects Association, provided a keynote report. He highlighted the provincial policy to develop a social housing fund to provide stable housing for a segment of officials, civil servants, public employees, and armed forces personnel currently living in rented or borrowed accommodations. This initiative has garnered special attention from the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee.

According to Mr. Nguyen Duc Lap, from 2015 to 2020, the province completed 22 social housing projects with a total of 3,321 apartments. This included 9 projects for low-income individuals and 13 projects for workers.

Architect Nguyen Duc Lap, Chairman of the Provincial Architects Association
Architect Nguyen Duc Lap, Chairman of the Provincial Architects Association.

Despite the efforts, the number of social housing units only meets about 20% of the demand for workers and low-income individuals in the province. Most migrant workers rent rooms from local residents around industrial zones, with the highest demand in Vung Tau City and Phu My Town.

Projections indicate that by 2025, with 16 industrial zones in operation, there will be approximately 12,000 workers needing housing. By 2030, with 19 industrial zones operational, the number of workers needing housing is expected to be around 15,000.

The need for social housing for officers and professional soldiers in the armed forces is projected to be 918 individuals from 2021-2025 and 889 individuals from 2026-2030. For civil servants and public employees, the demand is estimated at 4,078 individuals by 2025 and 4,732 individuals by 2030.

The Go Cat social housing project in Ba Ria City
The Go Cat social housing project in Ba Ria City.

For low-income individuals, surveys and research suggest that by 2025, about 65,513 people will need social housing support, and this number will increase to approximately 72,288 by 2030 (including the demand from 2021-2025).

According to architect David Ching Heng Hoe, in Singapore, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) is tasked with providing affordable housing. HDB flats are leased for 99 years, meaning the ownership is temporary.

Architect David Ching Heng Hoe, Chief Executive Officer of Ong & Ong Vietnam, shared
Architect David Ching Heng Hoe, Chief Executive Officer of Ong & Ong Vietnam, shared "Experience in implementing social housing projects by Ong & Ong Group in Singapore and lessons learned for Vietnam". (Ảnh: Bich Lien)

HDB flats come with a 99-year lease and are returned to HDB for redevelopment at the end of the lease. Buyers can utilize bank loans, HDB loans, cash payments, or funds from the Central Provident Fund (CPF), which is a social security savings plan for retirement.

The development of social housing in Singapore is integrated with existing urban infrastructure, including roads, transportation, schools, medical services, and recreational facilities.

HDB's social housing project in Malaysia
HDB's social housing project in Malaysia.

HDB has built hundreds of thousands of apartments in social housing projects. These residential areas are planned as "new town" models, with full amenities including restaurants, shops, schools, and even religious facilities. The town centers often have clinics, bus stops, subway stations, or shopping centers. The buildings vary in height, but the typical apartment size ranges from 32 to 130 square meters.

Singapore began constructing social housing at the end of the 1940s. In the following decade, the country built 20,000 apartments but still insufficient to meet the needs of about 1.6 million people. After the Housing and Development Board (HDB) was established in 1960, 31,000 new apartments were built.

HDB's social housing project in Singapore
HDB's social housing project in Singapore.

"In 1964, the Singapore government issued a homeownership program for its citizens, which became the foundation of Singapore's social housing policy. A few years later, in an effort to help more people own homes, Singapore allowed citizens to use savings from the government's retirement fund to make down payments and monthly installments when purchasing homes," said Mr. David Ching Heng Hoe.

It is known that recently, the People's Committee of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province issued a directive to enhance the development of social housing within the province. This has been identified as a political task, where local authorities play a decisive role in the success of the social housing development program. The directive requires the heads of departments, agencies, and chairpersons of the People's Committees of districts and cities within the province to create favorable conditions regarding land, administrative procedures, etc., to mobilize real estate businesses, enterprises employing many workers, and citizens to participate in investing in the development of social housing, especially for workers in industrial zones and clusters within the province, aiming to improve housing for the people and workers.

Some images from the exhibition of construction materials, one of the sideline activities of the seminar
Some images from the exhibition of construction materials, one of the sideline activities of the seminar.
Some images from the exhibition of construction materials, one of the sideline activities of the seminar
Some images from the exhibition of construction materials, one of the sideline activities of the seminar.
Representatives from the Dulux Professional brand of AkzoNobel Vietnam, the co-organizing partner of the workshop
Representatives from the Dulux Professional brand of AkzoNobel Vietnam, the co-organizing partner of the workshop.

Bich Lien

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