Why is it necessary to promote the process of green technology innovation in agriculture?

DNHN - Green innovation in agriculture is essential to cope with climate change, conserve resources, and enhance sustainable productivity.

Green technology plays an important role in innovation
Green technology plays an important role in innovation. (Ảnh: Internet)

Green technology plays an important role in innovation

Green technology is a key driver of innovation, playing a crucial role in reducing environmental impact and improving production efficiency. By applying sustainable solutions such as renewable energy, water-saving irrigation systems, and efficient waste management, green technology not only helps protect natural resources but also creates added value for businesses. This innovation not only drives the green economy but also contributes to global sustainable development.

Agriculture, an essential sector for human survival, is currently facing major challenges. Climate change has been severely affecting crop and livestock productivity. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), changes in temperature and uneven rainfall could reduce global food production by 5% to 15% by 2050. At the same time, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources is leading to land degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss.

Green innovation is an approach to addressing these issues by applying environmentally friendly technologies and methods. From developing disease-resistant crop varieties to adopting smart farming methods, green innovation provides practical solutions to improve productivity without harming natural resources.

As such, green technology is playing an increasingly important role in promoting innovation in agriculture. These innovations include the use of biotechnology, precision agriculture, and water-saving irrigation systems. One of the standout areas of green technology is biotechnology. Genetically modified crops are being developed to be more disease-resistant and drought-tolerant. For example, BT rice (Bacillus thuringiensis) is resistant to pests, reducing the need for pesticides, thereby minimizing negative impacts on the environment and human health.

Moreover, there is an advanced method that uses sensor technology and big data to optimize farming factors. With precision agriculture, farmers can monitor crop conditions in real-time, adjusting water, fertilizer, and pesticide levels accurately. This method not only increases productivity but also reduces resource waste and pollution.

Finally, in the context of increasing water scarcity, the adoption of water-saving irrigation systems such as drip irrigation and mist irrigation is crucial. These systems help conserve water and ensure adequate moisture for crops, thereby improving production efficiency.

Opening up many opportunities for agricultural businesses

Green innovation not only benefits the environment but also brings clear economic and social benefits. First, green technologies and farming methods help increase productivity and reduce production costs. By optimizing resource use and minimizing waste, farmers can achieve higher profits. Furthermore, the application of green technology also creates new job opportunities in research and development, high-tech equipment manufacturing, and agricultural support services.

Why is it necessary to promote the process of green technology innovation in agriculture?
Why is it necessary to promote the process of green technology innovation in agriculture?. (Ảnh: Internet)

Second, using green farming methods helps reduce the amount of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in food. This not only protects consumers' health but also reduces the risk of water and soil pollution. Green agriculture also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, contributing to improving the quality of life for communities.

Third, green innovation makes a positive contribution to environmental protection by reducing soil, water, and air pollution. Sustainable farming practices such as organic farming, cover cropping, and recycling agricultural waste help maintain ecosystem balance and protect biodiversity.

According to statistics, Vietnam's agriculture currently contributes about 12% of GDP and creates jobs for 30% of the labor force. However, this sector is facing serious challenges from climate change, especially the loss of agricultural land in the Mekong Delta due to rising sea levels, predicted to cause losses of up to 3% of GDP annually. To cope, there is a need to shift towards more sustainable and low-emission agricultural production.

Green innovation is the key to solving these problems. Many Vietnamese businesses have adopted green technologies such as drip irrigation, smart greenhouses, and renewable energy, helping to reduce CO2 emissions, save up to 50% of water, and increase crop productivity by 20% to 30%. Vietnam also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 9% by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, with green innovation playing a crucial role.

However, green technology innovation faces many challenges, including a lack of high-quality human resources and experts in the agricultural sector, along with a high percentage of untrained rural labor.

Therefore, to overcome these challenges, it is necessary to train farmers in advanced farming methods, sustainable management, and efficient resource use, while also improving access to green technology and investment capital. Additionally, the lack of policies and regulatory frameworks supporting green innovation in many countries is a significant challenge. Some countries do not have clear legal frameworks or specific mechanisms to support sustainable agricultural activities. This needs to be addressed by developing and enforcing policies and regulations that support green innovation. Governments should establish clear environmental regulations while facilitating the deployment of green technologies through tax incentives, research and development support programs, and encouraging private initiatives in green agriculture. These policies will not only promote the adoption of green technologies but also create a more business-friendly environment for companies and farmers.

Overall, to successfully implement green technology innovation, close coordination between stakeholders is required, including governments, businesses, farming communities, and international organizations. By providing financial support, technical training, and developing clear legal frameworks, we can overcome current challenges and create favorable conditions for the sustainable development of global agriculture.

Nghe Nhan

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