Yen Bai: Implementing the plan to manage and eliminate ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases

DNHN - The People's Committee of Yen Bai province has just issued document No. 3005/UBND-TNMT on the implementation of the National Plan for the management and elimination of ozone-depleting substances and controlled greenhouse gases.

The objective is to effectively manage and eliminate ozone-depleting substances and controlled greenhouse gases according to the implementation roadmap of the Montreal Protocol through solutions such as strengthening the management and elimination of controlled substances, transitioning to technologies that use substances with low or zero global warming potential, and implementing sustainable cooling solutions, striving to reduce emissions by 11.2 million tons of CO2 from the elimination of controlled substances by 2045.

Directive document of the People's Committee of Yen Bai province
Directive document of the People's Committee of Yen Bai province.

Implementing Decision No. 496/QD-TTg dated June 11, 2024, by the Prime Minister on the issuance of the National Plan for the management and elimination of ozone-depleting substances and controlled greenhouse gases. To effectively and synchronously implement the contents of the Plan, the People's Committee of the province requires departments, agencies, and People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities to widely propagate and disseminate the contents of the plan to all levels of the population, organizations, businesses, and individuals involved with the controlled substances.

Organize the implementation of related contents, tasks, and solutions of the plan according to the assigned functions and tasks; review the tasks assigned in the provincial plans on climate change to continue effectively implementing the content of the Plan.

Research, integrate, and incorporate the objectives of managing and eliminating ozone-depleting substances and controlled greenhouse gases, along with sustainable cooling solutions, into provincial planning and related sectoral planning and work plans.

Strengthen the inspection and supervision of compliance with legal regulations on ozone layer protection at units engaged in production, export, and import activities; units owning equipment or products containing or produced from controlled substances; and units involved in the collection, recycling, reuse, and disposal of controlled substances.

Actively participate in the management and elimination of controlled ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases; actively coordinate with central and local agencies to implement, monitor, and evaluate the implementation of the goals and solutions in the plan.

Incorporate management requirements and good practice principles in the handling and use of controlled substances and alternatives into training programs from the intermediate level and above for related industries.

The provincial People's Committee requests the Provincial Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations to coordinate in implementing activities related to propaganda, supervision, and social critique concerning climate change prevention and response in general, and the harmful effects and reduction of the use of controlled ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases in particular.


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