Practical applications of carbon credits in the economy. Part XIX: Training human resources - A strategic and urgent task for the carbon credit market

DNHN - Training human resources for the carbon credit market is an urgent task that supports sustainable development. A skilled team of experts with project implementation skills, this leads to improved emission reduction and environmental protection.

The importance of human resources for the carbon credit market cannot be underestimated
The importance of human resources for the carbon credit market cannot be underestimated. (Ảnh: Internet)

The importance of human resources for the carbon credit market

In 2023, Vietnam achieved a significant milestone by successfully transferring over 10 million carbon credits and earning more than 50 million USD. This success not only proves the immense potential of the carbon credit market but also attracts attention from many organizations, individuals, and localities. To fully capitalize on opportunities in this market, establishing a legal framework is essential, but equally important is developing human resources. Currently, Vietnam needs about 5,000 experts and staff with appropriate skills to manage, analyze, and implement carbon credit projects. Training human resources not only helps enhance the capabilities of organizations in participating in the market but also ensures transparency and efficiency in carbon credit transactions.

To meet the growing demand of the carbon credit market, training institutions and related organizations have begun implementing specialized training programs. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, in 2024, Vietnam plans to train at least 1,000 specialized personnel in this field, including environmental engineers, data analysts, and project evaluators. These training programs not only improve professional skills but also create a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the carbon credit market while supporting emission reduction goals and environmental protection.

The importance of human resources for the carbon credit market cannot be underestimated. A skilled team of experts and staff is crucial for ensuring the effective development and operation of this market. They manage and implement carbon credit projects, analyze data, evaluate effectiveness, and ensure transparency in carbon credit transactions. Specialization in the workforce helps maintain market reliability, creating conditions for investors and businesses to participate effectively in emission reduction activities.

Furthermore, high-quality human resources play a key role in driving innovation and applying advanced methods in carbon credit management. With up-to-date knowledge of technology, regulations, and global trends, experts can optimize the assessment, monitoring, and reporting processes for carbon credits. This not only enhances greenhouse gas reduction efficiency but also contributes to the sustainable development of the green economy, thus promoting Vietnam's international environmental commitments.

Human resources are considered a key factor in transitioning to a green economy. Experts with knowledge and skills in green technology, environmental management, and sustainable development will lead emission reduction initiatives. They help businesses optimize production processes and play a crucial role in researching and developing new technological solutions.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy - General Director of the Carbon Credit Institute Joint Stock Company
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy - General Director of the Carbon Credit Institute Joint Stock Company.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy - General Director of the Carbon Credit Institute Joint Stock Company, stated that Vietnam has collaborated with many international organizations to train human resources in the carbon credit field. However, the number of experts remains limited as Vietnam is new to this market and relies heavily on foreign technology and resources. Particularly, remote and underserved areas face difficulties in accessing carbon credit training due to high costs and limited training services.

According to Ms. Thuy, Vietnam possesses around 5 billion carbon credits due to its geographical advantage spanning 16 degrees latitude, allowing the development of organic carbon projects with large reserves. To fully exploit this potential, Vietnam needs approximately 150,000 professional workers with deep knowledge in carbon credit assessment, documentation, and evaluation. Especially, training certified carbon validators with international certification is crucial.

Ms. Thuy mentioned that by 2025, Vietnam plans to pilot a carbon credit exchange, and training a professional brokerage team is urgent.

Ms. Thuy emphasized that failing to enhance training could cause Vietnam to miss out on development opportunities as the global carbon credit market evolves rapidly. Currently, the demand for specialized human resources in this field exceeds the supply. Training and upgrading skills for the current workforce is necessary to meet market requirements.

Thus, training human resources for low-carbon emissions not only addresses immediate challenges but also represents a long-term strategy for achieving sustainable development. Investing in education and training will better prepare Vietnam and other countries for the future while contributing positively to global efforts to combat climate change.

Developing a specialist team to optimize the carbon credit market

According to Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy, General Director of the Carbon Credit Institute Joint Stock Company, Vietnam can leverage specialized training programs from Verra to apply international standards to carbon projects. Verra provides specialized courses and materials on how to implement and evaluate carbon projects, helping build a team of experts capable of executing and managing high-quality carbon projects, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and reliability of projects in Vietnam.

Ms. Thuy mentioned that equipping businesses and regulatory agencies with knowledge about the operation mechanisms of international carbon markets is extremely important. Training on carbon market mechanisms, including voluntary and mandatory credit systems, will help stakeholders better understand processes and requirements, allowing them to participate more effectively in the global market.

“Participating in networks and training programs of international organizations such as Ecosystem Marketplace and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) will not only enhance Vietnam's knowledge of the carbon market but also open opportunities for establishing strategic partnerships. These connections can facilitate information sharing, experience exchange, and collaboration on carbon projects, supporting the sustainable development of the carbon credit market in Vietnam,” Ms. Thuy said.

In this context, to manage and coordinate carbon credit projects effectively, Vietnam needs a team of experienced project management experts. These specialists will play a crucial role in planning, implementing, and monitoring emission reduction projects. They need to coordinate among stakeholders, manage resources, and ensure that projects meet established standards and objectives. Project management skills, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of carbon credit processes are essential for the success of these projects.

Additionally, environmental engineers and technical experts play a vital role in designing and implementing emission reduction solutions. They are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of emission reduction technologies and ensuring that project implementation methods are efficient and sustainable. Environmental engineers need extensive knowledge of technologies and technical processes, along with the ability to monitor and adjust projects to achieve optimal results in reducing carbon emissions.

In the carbon credit market, data analysts will play an indispensable role in evaluating effectiveness and monitoring projects. They will process and analyze data related to carbon emissions and project performance, providing accurate information for decision-making and strategy adjustment. Data analysis skills, proficiency in specialized analytical tools, and sensitivity to trends and issues are crucial for these specialists.

To ensure that carbon credit projects comply with legal and regulatory standards, Vietnam needs legal and policy experts. These specialists will assist in developing and implementing regulations related to carbon credits and provide guidance to businesses and organizations on legal requirements. They need to have a deep understanding of environmental law, the ability to draft and interpret legal documents, and knowledge of certification and registration processes for carbon credits.

To ensure the transparency and legality of carbon credit projects, having a team of certification and registration specialists is essential. These specialists will carry out certification and registration processes for carbon credits, ensuring that projects meet national and international standards. They need to verify and validate data while maintaining transparency throughout the certification process.

Therefore, developing and maintaining awareness about carbon credits is crucial for successful management and coordination of projects. Training and communication specialists will organize training courses, seminars, and events to enhance understanding and skills among stakeholders. They need to communicate information clearly and effectively, with a deep understanding of the carbon credit market and related issues.

To support financing for carbon credit projects, a team of experienced investors and financial consultants is needed. They will provide investment advice, analyze financial factors related to carbon credits, and assist in raising funds for projects. Knowledge of finance, investment analysis capabilities, and understanding of the carbon credit market are important for these specialists.

These human resources will contribute positively to the development and effective management of carbon credit projects in Vietnam, helping to achieve emission reduction goals and protect the environment.

Nghe Nhan

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