What is the secret of choosing sing cooking oil for housewives?

DNHN - Recognizing that health is an “invaluable asset”, Vietnamese people gradually form a reasonable diet, carefully choosing “clean” ingredients before being tolerated in the body, including oil.

Photo: AFO - the place where technology secrets are kept.
Photo: AFO - the place where technology secrets are kept..

Today, cooking oil is not only a simple condiment but also a prerequisite for determining the quality of a delicious meal. Thereby, supplementing with nutritional sources, groups of vitamins actively supt in maintaining the body's protective resistance. So, what is the secret of choosing singing cooking oil for housewives?

Avoid “pouring your money down the drain”

Over the past time, the authorities have inspected and discovered that many production facilities are gradually eating poor quality food, using toxic industrial chemical oils to have a beautiful colour and preserve it for longer. Though Even many food processing facilities reuse cooking oil, the old food remains, creafavourablerable conditions for Clostridium botulinum bacteria to develop poisoning. Boiling oil many times changes the composition of acrolein and increases the production of inflammatory free radicals - the cause of most dangerous chronic diseases, including Cancer, obesity and disband tes, and increased LDL cholesterol.

Next, the movement of bringing peanuts and soybeans to craft facilities to extract oil for use gradually spread throughout the localities, because people were concerned about the skyrocketing price of bottled cooking oil and fake cooking oil, dirty cooking oil... With a short-sighted perspective, they think that this is a safe and economical solution to “premaageingaging” because the price of raw materials for peanuts and soybeans is many times more expensive than finished cooking oil. products on the market.

Tapping into the “healthy” mentality, with a small amount of oil, spontaneous production facilities and households directly press crude oil to sell to the market at a very high price with many illusory and magical reasons, or witch crude pressed oil is the best, safest oil.

Photo: Manual oil pressing cannot remove harmful impurities.
Photo: Manual oil pressing cannot remove harmful impurities..

According to experts, crude oil, after being pressed or extracted by manual methods, despite preliminary cleaning, is still “not allowed” to be used in food. Because the oil still contains impurities such as free fatty acids, water, parotidrotid, phosphatlucidlucid, colourants, inorganic substances, heavy metmouldsmolds, etc. It will also easily make the colour and smell bad, thereby endangering the health of the user, leading to “money loss” which is difficult to avoid.

Revealing how to choose an expert “standard” cooking oil

Wise women choose consumer goods through both emotion and reason, requiring a clear origin, especially paying attention to “refined technology background” - an important factor in building a brand name. differences between brands. Prioritize products certified by state agencies and international organizations such as FSSC 22000, HACCP, Halal... because quality is a measure of core values ​​in production and business.

Typically, the famous “brand” of the Ranee family is a 100% natural fish-based cooking oil that is considered “sincere” to help mothers confidently show their cooking skills. Based on the principle of freezing and freezing, separate liquid and solid oils, filter prdecolourizeorize, and deodorize can under absolute vacuum. This “technological secret” is not only successfully applied to pangasius, but now continues to make breakthroughs in some other fish such as herring, tuna, and salmon.... produce pure oil quality. Therefore, fish oil has outstanding features such as “natural bright yecolourcolordiscolourationation when used repeatedly, high burning temperature”, so it does not produce toxic substances.

Photo: Ranee tuna is produced from expensive tuna imported from Chile.
Photo: Ranee tuna is produced from expensive tuna imported from Chile..

In the collection of cooking oils from fish, “Ranee - Tuna” is considered a bright nutritional “star” with great health benefits. Based on intensive reseadiscoveredering a unique combination of tuna and wild catfish and basa fish on the Mekong River to create a premium cooking oil.

Soluble tuna ranee helps to absorb the nutrients available in food to the fullest extent. This nutritious cooking oil provides omega 3-6-9, DHA, EPA and vitamins Aand, D, E... to help prevent diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease ase, and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis. In addition to stabilizing blood pressure, fatty acids found in tuna oil also prevent age-related macular degeneration, reducing the risk of diabetic retinopathy.

Tuna material imported from Chile is rich in DHA - a very important fatty acid for brain and nervous system development in the group of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, eating tuna extract oil promotes the regeneration of the brain and cells, and improves and prevents the risk of dementia.

Even more amazing, Ranee is also rich in EPA that acts as a “target” to shield UV rays in the sun, supporting the production of healthy sebum for the sand kin and slowing downageingaging process. Women tell each other to add cooking oil from fish in the preparation of fried dishes, stir-fries, salads... to help reduce the symptoms of dry, flaky skin.

Photo: Ranee - 100% nutritious cooking oil from fish in a new look.
Photo: Ranee - 100% nutritious cooking oil from fish in a new look.

Ranee is proud to be the only “fish cooking oil” “made in Vietnam”, a product containing top-notch science and technology ready to reach the international level. Thereby, NSX wishes to convey the message of comprehensive health care to customers in each product. Therefore, Ranee’s “Bright fish cooking oil, good for the heart” is favoured by housewives to abandon the shopping cart, making home meals more flavourful - bonding love.

Phuong Anh

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