Through the Dare 2 Rewear exchange day, the pioneering BAEMIN app encourages the "green lifestyle”

DNHN - BAEMIN Vietnam promotes educational programs to create awareness and safeguard the environment as an application aimed at spreading a positive and sustainable lifestyle. BAEMIN application collaborated with Piktina - a secondhand fashion buying and selling platform - on August 5 to arrange the program "Dare 2 Rewear" to exchange information and promote practical activities of BAEMIN workers in safeguarding the environment and enriching the green lifestyle.

BAEMIN employees were ecstatic to attend the exhibition.
BAEMIN employees were ecstatic to attend the exhibition..

According to garment industry studies, the average clothing consumer discards around 31.75 kg of old or useless clothing each year. Thus, the environment suffers from more than 500 million tons of clothing waste each year, 84% of which is burnt, resulting in 12% of greenhouse gas emissions.

After oil and gas, the fashion industry is still the world's second most polluting business. We require 7,500 liters of water to create a pair of jeans. Landfilling or incineration accounts for up to 85% of textile waste disposal. And each second that passes is comparable to the number of garments that might be carried by a burning truck. A fashion product's average life cycle is 5.4 years. We can lower the quantity of gas, water, and garbage entering the Earth's ecosystem by 5% - 10% if each individual extends the usage of a product by just 3 months.

CEO BAEMIN and CEO Piktina both attended the occasion.
CEO BAEMIN and CEO Piktina both attended the occasion..

Recognizing the environmental effect of everyday clothing, BAEMIN collaborates with Piktina to conduct the internal program "Dare 2 Rewear." BAEMIN is also the first firm to take part in Piktina's mission to create a sustainable fashion ecosystem and propagate green living.

BAEMIN has adopted the "Dare 2 Rewear" campaign for all employees around the country. This is a new and beneficial playground that focuses on the spirit of "old people new to us," allowing BAEMIN workers to swap clothing and accessories with their colleagues to refresh themselves while also contributing to the reduction of fashion waste to the environment. 

Furthermore, BAEMIN employees attended a talk on the topic of sustainable fashion, where they listened to experts discuss the current situation, the environmental dangers of fast fashion, as well as the secrets to wearing "connoisseurs" but green, and the way of dressing up that enhances personal beauty.

BAEMIN has adopted the
BAEMIN has adopted the "Dare 2 Rewear" campaign for all employees around the country..

Mr Jinwoo Song, General Director of BAEMIN, stated, "The direction of BAEMIN's actions is associated with the core principles, towards the objective of sustainable development. We will consistently enhance our services and goods, offer environmentally responsible consumer solutions, and invest in public awareness campaigns. Following training activities on Earth Day in collaboration with government representatives to promote green lifestyles, the final "Dare 2 Rewear" program can be described as a meaningful and practical program that not only helps our colleagues understand and practice sustainable lifestyles but also increases employee engagement."

"Piktina wishes to disseminate the notion that secondhand fashion is not dull," said Ms Nguyen Hoang Phuong, General Director and Founder of Piktina. We think that through collaborating with companies, which BAEMIN has pioneered, users can have a better understanding of sustainable fashion as well as what we can do starting now to safeguard the environment and the environment. developing a modern lifestyle, individuality, and cleanliness, crockery, and green".

Hung Dung

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