The President and incumbent Miss World will come to MerryLand Quy Nhon

DNHN - The organizing committee of the Miss World Vietnam - Miss World Vietnam 2022 contest has just announced the information about the international guest delegation that will come to Vietnam and attend the national final night at the "peninsula city" MerryLand Quy Nhon.

According to information from the Miss World Vietnam 2022 Organizing Committee, the reigning Miss World 2021 Karolina Bielawska, Miss World 2019 Toni-Ann Singh and Miss World Organization President - Julia Morley will come to Vietnam to attend the national final night on 12/8 at MerryLand Quy Nhon (Hai Giang peninsula - Binh Dinh).

Miss World will come to MerryLand Quy Nhon to attend the final night.
Miss World will come to MerryLand Quy Nhon to attend the final night.

Karolina Bielawska was born in 1999, graduated in business management and is currently studying for a master's degree. She is 1m79 tall, has many years of experience as a fashion model. The Polish beauty is likened to a barbie doll with blonde hair, a beautiful face and a bright smile. After being crowned Miss World, she actively participates in charity activities in many countries around the world.

The reigning Miss World Karolina Bielawska.
The reigning Miss World Karolina Bielawska.
Miss World 2019 Toni-Ann Singh.
Miss World 2019 Toni-Ann Singh.

Besides attending the final night of Miss World Vietnam 2022 at MerryLand Quy Nhon, Ms. Julia Morley and 2 Miss World also accompanied the Top 3 Miss World Vietnam 2022 to participate in a number of charity activities in Binh Dinh. Ms. Pham Kim Dung - President of Miss World Vietnam, Head of the Miss World Vietnam 2022 Organizing Committee said: "The criterion of the Miss World contest is Beauty for a noble purpose, so the contest in Vietnam is also organized according to that criterion. We always invest in charitable projects seriously and respectfully. The Miss World delegation will join the Miss World Vietnam delegation to carry out volunteer projects in Quy Nhon.

The activities of the national final round of Miss World Vietnam 2022 have been taking place extremely excitingly in the world-class smart commercial and tourist peninsula city MerryLand Quy Nhon. With a series of record works bearing the imprint of five continents mixed with unique indigenous culture, MerryLand Quy Nhon creates many new and unprecedented experiences in the region. "Peninsula city" MerryLand Quy Nhon will be the convergence of countless vibrant international festivals, unique cultural and entertainment events. All contribute to change the tourism picture in Quy Nhon.

MerryLand Quy Nhon will become the destination of national and international events.
MerryLand Quy Nhon will become the destination of national and international events.


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