Properly storing fresh milk and yogurt — A basic fact that many people disregard

DNHN - The item has a sour or bitter flavour, is lumpy or mouldy, the yogurt is watered down or stretched, the package is bulging, etc. These are potential signs of deterioration in pasteurized fresh milk products, pasteurized fresh milk, and yogurt in a can.

Experts explained, except for the expiration date, the primary cause of quality loss or damage to a product is the manufacturer-recommended incorrect transit or storage technique.


Three variables ensure the quality of fresh milk and canned yogurt: manufacturing technology, packaging, and the process of shipping storing, and preserving goods.

Modern manufacturing technology

Vietnam now has the most contemporary and advanced technology and manufacturing method, packaging of fresh milk or canned yogurt in the world.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Tran Quang Trung, former Director of the Ministry of Health's Food Safety Department, manages: "The method of creating and packing milk packaging forms is the same in Vietnam and throughout the globe.n terms of technology, Vietnam is somewhat more advanced than some other advanced nations. Our dairy business has increased, and producers are continually investing in equipment, updating, and using sophisticated technology to suit consumer demands."

Experts note that to have safe milk, preserve its nutritional content, and have a long shelf life, enterprises must eradicate bacteria that are detrimental to human health and ruin raw dairy products. The procedure is known as duplication bar or duplication.

Before being used in manufacturing, dairy components are routinely tested for quality. Raw milk is chilled at 2-4 degrees Celsius immediately after milking and continues to be delivered to the refrigerated vehicle system appropriate to the temperature with large and recognized brands such as TH genuine MILK. transported to the changeable home mode

Milk is heat-treated at 72-75 degrees Celsius in 15 seconds and immediately cooled to 4 degrees Celsius using the replicating process. Microorganisms that were detrimental to human health had been eradicated at the time. 

Despite being eliminated, certain germs remain that are not dangerous to health but will expire if not refrigerated. As a result, the company recommended that duplicate items be kept cold at all times.

To have matching fresh milk, milk ingredients are processed at UHT, which means they are heated to super-high temperatures (135-140 degrees Celsius) in a very short period (about 4 seconds) and quickly cooled down to 25 degrees Celsius before being placed in filling equipment to close in duplicate paper boxes.

All of this happens nearly mechanically, the milk is sealed to keep unwanted bacteria out, and it has a lengthy shelf-life without quality control. Duplicate items may also be carried without refrigeration to distant places. Products may only be sold outside the home if they fulfil quality, food safety, and hygiene criteria.

Can microbiological material or items infiltrate any step with such a tight-sealing process? It is not feasible to respond. The substance has no second in touch with the air to be polluted by the region's climate.

Package duplication

A sterile atmosphere was maintained throughout the extraction process, including the sterilization of the milk carton packaging. Combibloc or Tetra Park (Sweden) (Germany).

A combination of 75 per cent paper, 21 per cent plastic, and 4 per cent aluminium make up the packaging, which is capable of preventing all light and hazardous microorganisms from entering the food.

Transfer and manage

Fresh/canned milk quality is influenced by a number of factors, including how it is stored and transported.


There are limits to how much mechanical or external damage the product may withstand during transit before it becomes contaminated by bacteria, changes in shape (which the human eye cannot detect), and donations of the aforementioned items.

In many circumstances, product quality variations may be traced back to a lack of compliance with the manufacturer's specifications.

Even though the product appears in the condition of light or rain; if the product is too much milk; if another product is put up on top of the milk; or if an insect bites it.

Microorganisms from the outside environment may infiltrate the milk via weak areas in the container, such as corners or welds, point straws, and so on.

When it comes to items that must be kept cold, such as yogurt or milk, the mistake generally leads to agents or users failing to follow the instructions on the packaging.


What does the user need to do?

It is assumed or required all milk ingredients, from breeding to storage after the expression of the milk, be certified from the outset to avoid product spoiling in any of the aforementioned solutions. Users of information should always pick well-known brands whose origins and processing can be verified before relying on them.

Products from well-known companies, with expiration dates, complete product information on the box, and a pleasant scent are all things that consumers should look for when purchasing supplements. In addition, you must develop and test a reputable paper box brand in Vietnam. - Tran Quang Trung's Assoc. Professor (Former Director of Food Safety Department of Ministry of Health).


Users must also inspect the security box carefully to ensure that it is not damaged, raised, prevented, or bears traces of punctures. Stores/agents must-have equipment to maintain cold constantly (with yoghurt, pasteurized milk, cheese), cool milk storage, not exhibit in direct sunlight, not overlap more than 5 layers, and not display more than 5 layers (with duplicate fresh milk).

Users should immediately call the dairy company's customer service hotline if they get milk that has the improper formula. Additionally, the sample test kits are stored for the duration of the product's life so that producers may determine the "culprit" of milk spoiling before exporting.

Some general remarks regarding preservatives: As stated in the product package/box, keep it in a cool, dry place. Yogurts having a capacity of 110ml to 180ml of pasteurized fresh milk: Store in a cool, dry place; use soon after opening and discard any unused portion. Products made from milk that has been pasteurized 500 millilitres or a litre: Which is better? Store at room temperature in a cool, dry location. Cover, keep at 4-10 degrees Celsius, and use within three days if not all are consumed today. Real men's yogurt, eaten men's yogurt, men's yogurt consumed by live guys... Keep between 4-8 degrees Celsius in the refrigerator, use within one hour after opening, and only refrigerate once. Keep duplicate milk bars refrigerated between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius and consume within 24 hours after opening.

An Nhi

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