Nearly 500 new enterprises were registered in Phu Tho in the first six months of 2022

DNHN - There were 491 newly registered enterprises with a total registered capital of 7,077.0 billion VND between January 1 and June 21, 2022, according to a report by the Department of Planning and Investment in Phu Tho province, an increase of 28.2% in the number of enterprises and a rise of 123.7 per cent in registered capital compared to the same period in 2021.

Phu Ha Industrial Park (Phu Tho)
Phu Ha Industrial Park (Phu Tho). Illustration.

The province as a whole has 210 firms returning to operation, a 33.8 per cent increase over the same time, mostly in the form of limited liability corporations, which have 154 enterprises, a 31.6 per cent increase.

The number of enterprises registered to suspend operations was 309, a 30.9 per cent increase over the same period last year, with 228 limited liability companies (accounting for 73.8 per cent), 69 joint-stock companies (accounting for 73.8 per cent), and 69 joint-stock companies (accounting for 22.3 per cent) accounting for the remainder.

By business type, One Member Limited Liability Company had 274 newly registered enterprises, accounting for 55.8 per cent of the total, an increase of 19.1 per cent over the same period; Co., Ltd. Two or more members had 104 enterprises, accounting for 21.2 per cent of the total, an increase of 57.6 per cent; Joint-stock companies had 112 enterprises, accounting for 22.8 per cent of the total, an increase of 33.3 per cent; and private enterprises had 1 enterprise, accounting for 33.3 per cent of the total.

During the time, the number of firms encountering problems and needing to carry out processes for the dissolution and termination of production and commercial operations was 40 (an increase of 8 over the same period), including 26 limited liability companies (accounting for 65). 0%), 11 joint-stock companies, and 3 private businesses. 


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