La Vie sponsors a school clean water program for nearly 10,000 students in Long An

DNHN - Nearly 10,000 students and teachers in Tan Hung, a district affected by alum-contaminated water in Long An, have been able to access clean water more easily, through a community program funded by La Vie Natural Mineral Water.

On February 23, the direct drinking water supply system and 37 5,000 liter water tanks, totaling VND3 billion, were awarded to 28 schools, from preschool to high school. 

Mr. Fausto Tazzi at the awarding ceremony.
Mr. Fausto Tazzi at the awarding ceremony.

The La Vie Natural Mineral Water company has contributed to the funding of the drinking water supply system at the school, which serves nearly 10,000 people, or more than 96 percent of the total number of students, staff, and teachers in Tan Hung district, through the Ho Chi Minh City Association for the Protection of Poor Patients' "School Clean Water" program. 

La Vie awarded 50 scholarships, totaling VND 50 million, to studious students in Tan Hung.
La Vie awarded 50 scholarships, totaling VND 50 million, to studious students in Tan Hung..

La Vie is a member of the Ho Chi Minh City Association for the Protection of Poor Patients.

This is a community program initiated by former President Truong Tan Sang and Mr. Pham Phu Ngoc Trai - President of GIBC, aiming to provide drinking water to national standards for students and teachers in remote areas.

The funding is also part of efforts to provide clean and safe water for the health of the community, especially for future generations, which has been implemented by La Vie Natural Mineral Water for many years. 

Students at Kindergarten in Tan Hung town
Students at Kindergarten in Tan Hung town.

La Vie Natural Mineral Water is the first and only enterprise in Vietnam to be granted Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) international certification for meeting global standards for sustainable water management. In 2021, La Vie announced its goal of making a more positive impact on water sources, contributing to the regeneration of local water ecosystems.La Vie has been named one of the 100 best sustainable development firms in Vietnam for three consecutive years from 2019 to 2021 by Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD - VCCI)

More information about the "School Clean Water" program

According to the Ho Chi Minh City Association for the Protection of Poor Patients, from 2017 to now, with the funding of the business community, the program has donated 1,269 clean drinking water systems. La Vie is the first and only enterprise in Vietnam to be granted Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) international certification.

Ha Pham

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