Honey exporters respond in the US market

DNHN - Enterprises that export honey to the US needs to have a suitable response plan, actively coordinate with the DOC and express their views in the next investigation phase.

Taiwan's demand for honey, according to exporters, is still fairly high. Along with low prices, the quality of Vietnamese honey is improving.

To be able to export honey to this market, enterprises must comply with regulations on the inspection of food and related products imported. Importers must register for inspection with the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This item currently has a 35% MFN tax rate for partners who are members of the WTO.  

Honey exporters respond in the US market.
Honey exporters respond in the US market..

In addition, Vietnam's honey exports to the US are also positive. However, from April 2021 to now, the American Beekeepers Association has continuously filed a petition with the DOC requesting an anti-dumping investigation against Vietnamese goods. By the end of November 2021, the DOC announced a general preliminary tax rate for all Vietnamese honey export enterprises of 412.49% - this high tax will block the way for honey exports to the US - while Tax rates for other countries are less than 30%.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, the DOC has determined the dumping margin for honey products originating from Vietnam is from 410.93 to 413.99% and imposed a corresponding temporary tax rate. It is expected that the conclusion will be issued in April 2022.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade also recommends that associations and businesses exporting honey to the US need to have a suitable response plan, actively coordinate with the DOC and express their views in the next investigation phase; at the same time, research and develop plans to increase domestic consumption and diversify export products and markets in the long term. 

Thach Ha

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