High-speed railway North-South: A breakthrough in Vietnam's transportation system

DNHN - The implementation of the high-speed North-South railway project not only marks a strong development of the domestic railway system but also brings significant benefits to the country.

The railway system employs modern technologies such as special tracks, automatic train control systems, and maximum safety mechanisms for passengers
The railway system employs modern technologies such as special tracks, automatic train control systems, and maximum safety mechanisms for passengers.

Recently, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a meeting of the Government Standing Committee on the investment policy proposal for the high-speed North-South railway to prepare it for submission to the competent authorities for review and decision.

Accordingly, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh highly appreciated the report from the Ministry of Transport, which included new and more comprehensive points compared to previous meetings. He emphasized that this report is highly convincing, and the comments from the participants at the meeting showed their dedication and responsibility.

The Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Transport to continue researching, supplementing, and clarifying more details related to the political, legal, and practical bases; viewpoints, principles, and methodologies; objectives and requirements; tasks and solutions in the proposal. He expects the ministry to strive to enhance the persuasiveness and effectiveness of the proposed solutions.

Previously, the Politburo issued Conclusion No. 49-KL/TW on February 28, 2023, on the orientation for the development of Vietnam's railway transportation until 2030, with a vision to 2045. The National Assembly passed Resolution No. 103/2023/QH15 on November 9, 2023, regarding the socio-economic development plan for 2024, which requires effective implementation of Conclusion No. 49 from the Politburo, accelerating the construction of several important national railway routes, the East-West axis railway; and completing the proposal for the high-speed North-South railway project, aiming for the earliest possible approval in 2024.

It is clear that the high-speed North-South railway project is a significant initiative being promoted by the Vietnamese Government. With an operating speed of up to 350 km/h, the high-speed railway will connect the two ends of the country from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, creating an advanced, efficient, and sustainable railway transportation system.

Currently, the high-speed North-South railway project is being prioritized for construction based on advanced technology and international standards. The railway system employs modern technologies such as special tracks, automatic train control systems, and maximum safety mechanisms for passengers. The Ministry of Transport is meticulously studying the investment issue to ensure the high-speed railway infrastructure's reliability and continuous operation, while also reducing travel time between major cities.

Once completed, the high-speed North-South railway project will not only create a modern transportation means but also bring extensive economic and social benefits. Reducing travel time between cities will boost economic development and trade between regions. Additionally, the high-speed railway will help reduce traffic congestion, lower environmental pollution, and achieve Vietnam's environmental protection goals.

The high-speed North-South railway also plays an important role in connecting Vietnam's regions. Quick and convenient travel between major cities will promote domestic tourism development. Tourists can easily explore unique destinations and diverse cultures across the country without facing traffic barriers.

The high-speed North-South railway project marks a significant advancement in the development of Vietnam's railway system. Based on this foundation, the government can continue to invest in and expand the high-speed railway network, connecting different regions and thereby creating a unified and efficient transportation system.

In summary, the ongoing high-speed North-South railway project marks an important milestone in Vietnam's railway sector. The high-speed railway not only creates a convenient transportation means but also brings economic, environmental, and tourism benefits. Continued investment and development in the railway sector will lead the country towards a prosperous and sustainable future.

Nghe Nhan

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