"Greening" public transport - a step towards sustainability for the city

DNHN - From establishing goals to enacting supportive policies, the transformation of green buses in Hanoi is being carried out with extensive coordination between government agencies and transportation experts.

Hanoi is implementing a significant plan to improve the living environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation industry. According to the Hanoi Department of Transport, there are currently 2,279 buses in the city, but only 277 of them use clean and environmentally friendly fuel, representing less than 14% of the network.

Recognizing the importance of reducing air pollution and promoting the use of clean energy, the city has established a significant objective: to completely replace traditional fuel-powered buses with fuel-powered buses. Use renewable energy. The plan specifies that beginning in 2025, all new or replacement buses will be powered by electricity or clean energy; by 2030, at least 50 percent of public transportation will use clean energy; and by 2050, the ultimate goal is for all buses and taxis to run on clean energy.

There are a total of 2,279 buses in the city, most of which still use traditional energy.
There are a total of 2,279 buses in the city, most of which still use traditional energy..

To implement this plan, a series of measures have been implemented. First, from 2025 to 2035, a total of 225 buses, or approximately 21.3% of the total number of existing vehicles, will be considered for the conversion program. The buses will be gradually replaced after the expiration date. The first phase (2025-2030) will concentrate on achieving 50-60% green buses, while the second phase (2030-2035) will aim for 90-100%.

Local governments have also demonstrated their support through financial assistance. The city budget will subsidize fifty percent of the loan interest for the first five years to invest in transportation infrastructure and acquire clean energy buses. This will aid in reducing investment costs for transport companies and promote the transition to renewable energy.

"Greening" public transport - a sustainable step of the Capital.
"Greening" public transport - a sustainable step of the Capital..

However, Hanoi faced numerous obstacles during implementation, including initial investment costs and interest expenses. Choosing a reasonable structure between electric buses and buses powered by renewable energy is crucial. To ensure that "greening" is truly effective, existing infrastructure and energy availability must be taken into account.

Transport experts have also suggested prioritizing the conversion of high-impact bus routes, such as those in the central urban area and those in the central urban area, to achieve the goal of "greening" buses. connecting to major transportation hubs such as airports, bus stations, and train stations.

From establishing goals to enacting supportive policies, the transformation of green buses in Hanoi is being carried out with extensive coordination between government agencies and transportation experts. This is a crucial step in creating a sustainable living environment and making Hanoi a greener and more eco-friendly city.

P.V (t/h)

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