Green start-up - a decade of guiding young agricultural businesses

DNHN - The event "Green Start-up - 10-year Journey to create young entrepreneurs" recently took place as part of a series of events introducing the 10-year journey of the Green Startup programme.

Young people starting a business in agriculture will receive capital support from the DDK Program/Photo Source
Young people starting a business in agriculture will receive capital support from the DDK Program/Photo Source.

This programme has trained, guided, advised, and supported thousands of young businesses in the agricultural sector across the nation, fostering a generation of innovative, successful "young entrepreneurs" With nearly 400 training classes and over 30,000 participants, as well as the participation of more than 50 experts sharing and guiding, the programme has become an environment to foster the growth of agricultural startups in Vietnam.

Over the past nine years, approximately one thousand project owners and startup companies from across the country have participated in the Green Startup Project competition, creating a diverse and dynamic agricultural startup ecosystem. and inventiveness. This programme has enabled the emergence of new products made from local resources and indigenous materials.

Recently, the Green Startup programme has expanded the training content to include multiple levels and stages, with a focus on the actual process and outcomes of startup companies. Additionally, the programme focuses on training and guiding international standards, such as HACCP, LocalGAP, GlobalGAP, and ISO, to assist businesses in exporting their products abroad. With the assistance of this programme, numerous startups have grown and become stronger.

Ms Vu Kim Anh, Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Research and Enterprise Support, who is in charge of the Green Startup programme, stated, "Through the Green Startup Project competition, which has been running for nine years, we have created an agricultural startup ecosystem with thousands of young entrepreneurs starting businesses from local resources. Many of you have exported goods to major European and American markets. Numerous products have achieved OCOP standards ranging from 3 to 5 stars, are certified with geographical indications, and have become emblematic of rural provinces and cities.

In addition, the Green Startup programme has implemented activities throughout the entire agricultural production value chain, ensuring that each stage is supported by advice from senior experts. efficient and secure. In addition to providing a periodic sales space at the Green-Kind Market on two weekends, the programme encourages and supports projects to join international supermarket systems in Vietnam, as well as participate in Participated in Vietnam Product Week in Thailand from 2017 to the present, and place products in systems including Gigamall and Uniqlo.

The Organising Committee announced at the seminar that the reception period for projects registered to participate in the Green Startup programme in 2023 will be from May to the end of October 2023. The competition is open to participants of any gender, age, or geographic location, and the training activities will continue to help them improve their business ventures.

From the success of the Green Startup programme over the past decade, it is clear that guiding and training young agricultural businesses is both essential and effective. In addition to creating successful businesses, the programme has contributed to Vietnam’s economic and rural development.

Huu Chau

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