Dong Thap: From the lotus field to the wider world

DNHN - "The most gorgeous lotus blossom is Thap Muoi..." For a long time, the well-known lyric of Bao Dinh Giang has contributed to the creation of the lotus brand associated with Dong Thap. Lotus fields are no longer foreign to the residents of Dong Thap, and they attract a large number of tourists. Coming from the fields, lotus delivers various cultural and economic qualities, and it reaches out to the globe with great pride in the Red Lotus Land.

Dong Thap lotus goods approach and conquer worldwide friends discreetly and without fanfare. Lotus has become an abundant supply of raw materials for various items such as lotus essential oil, lotus silk, lotus tea, lotus milk, lotus lipstick, lotus herbs, and gifts, in addition to shining brilliantly in the field. 

Lotus also gave birth to several ventures and entrepreneurial concepts, giving economic value to the province. Nevertheless, the promotion of agricultural economic growth on lotus related to tourist development has helped to enhance the quality of people's lives while also bringing a fresh perspective on the lotus industry's contribution to the country in any aspects. As it shakes off the sludge, the lotus becomes increasingly entwined with the lives of the inhabitants of Dong Thap. 

Artist Bay Nghia's paintings fashioned from dried lotus leaves have been shown in France, the Netherlands, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan... Artist Bay Nghia is always diligent, producing the soul for each painting from dried lotus leaves in the hope that many people would learn about the Red Lotus Land via these paintings. 

CEO Ngo Chi Cong introduced to international friends about products made from Dong Thap lotus at Thaifex 2022
CEO Ngo Chi Cong introduced to international friends about products made from Dong Thap lotus at Thaifex 2022.

To "deliver lotus ponds to the world," Ecolotus CEO Ngo Chi Cong has slowly conquered the globe with high-quality lotus products. Recognizable lotus blooms and leaves have become famous and unique Vietnamese goods. The development of lotus goods in different locations will make the notion of "bringing lotus ponds to the globe" a reality. But many new lotus-processed goods have been exported, adding economic value, improving people's income, and strengthening the reputation of the lotus in the province of Dong Thap.

Dong Thap province recently held a Lotus Festival to celebrate the lotus - the flower that carries President Ho Chi Minh's insignia culture, and the character of the Vietnamese people, while also promoting lotus economic and cultural values in conjunction with tourist development and creating a local image - on the occasion of President Ho Chi Minh's 132nd birthday (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2022).

The event was well-attended, with unique art programs
The event was well-attended, with unique art programs.

The first Dong Thap Lotus Festival drew over 100,000 tourists, delegates, and individuals to visit, enjoy, travel, experience, and utilize services, generating over 60 billion VND in income. At the same time, the festival's events attracted more than 75 press agencies and media outlets from inside and beyond the province, with over 200 news pieces distributed. This outstanding achievement was declared during the festival's closing ceremony on June 1 afternoon, presided over by Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Pham Thien Nghia and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Doan Tan Buu. Le Thi Kim Loan, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, and officials from other departments were there. Because of these excellent outcomes, the delegates resolved to continue hosting the yearly event, therefore helping to promote Dong Thap Sen's image. 

Pham Thien Nghia, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, addressed the gathering.
Mr. Pham Thien Nghia - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, addressed the gathering.

With the agricultural economic policies on a lotus, Dong Thap hopes to foster the rising lotus industry in the next years, introducing Dong Thap lotus goods to more nations across the world. And lotus growers adhere to the land, to the ground, so that the lotus will continue to blossom for thousands of generations./. 

PL (t/h)

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