CEO Lê Nguyên Hòa – LHLEGAL Law Firm honored to present opinions to General Secretary Tô Lâm

DNHN - On the afternoon of August 22, at the Presidential Palace, Lawyer Lê Nguyên Hòa – Executive Director of LHLEGAL Law Firm, along with the delegation of the VINASME, had the honor to meet with General Secretary and President Tô Lâm.

During the meeting, General Secretary and President Tô Lâm expressed his pleasure in meeting representatives of the Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (VINASME), an organization that represents a large community of enterprises contributing to the development of the country's economy.

He acknowledged the significant contributions of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the country's overall economic growth and other meaningful activities. On behalf of the Party and State leaders, General Secretary and President Tô Lâm recognized and praised the achievements and work results of the Association, as well as the important contributions to the rapid and sustainable development of the country.

General Secretary and President Tô Lâm emphasized that the Party and State always pay special attention to and create the best conditions for the Vietnamese business community to operate and develop. He also acknowledged the difficulties and challenges faced by the business community, especially SMEs, including the heavy impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing global economic downturn.

Lawyer Lê Nguyên Hòa – Executive Director of LHLEGAL Law Firm, one of the outstanding entrepreneurs, was honored to speak at the event with General Secretary and President Tô Lâm
Lawyer Lê Nguyên Hòa – Executive Director of LHLEGAL Law Firm, one of the outstanding entrepreneurs, was honored to speak at the event with General Secretary and President Tô Lâm.

At the event, Lawyer Lê Nguyên Hòa expressed his views, emphasizing that Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era marks an important milestone. It affirms the crucial role of entrepreneurs in the country's socio-economic development. This resolution has brought positive results, creating a more favorable environment for businesses to operate, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.

However, to ensure Resolution 41 is effectively implemented and brings about a stronger transformation, it is necessary to further concretize policies and legal frameworks. In the context of globalization and increasingly fierce competition, it is essential to supplement appropriate economic sanctions to address violations without criminalizing economic relations. This approach will help protect the legitimate rights of businesses, avoid unnecessary criminal prosecution in economic disputes, and create a more transparent and fair business environment.

Additionally, the issue of inspection and oversight burden has seen some improvement. According to the 2023 Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) report, nearly 7% of businesses were inspected three times in a year, slightly down from 7.4% in 2022 and 9.9% in 2021. The rate of harassment during inspections decreased to nearly 7% in 2023, from 9.6% in 2022 and 13.8% in 2021. However, the percentage of businesses reporting overlapping inspection content slightly increased from 6.7% in 2022 to 8.5% in 2023. According to Mr. Hòa, there is still room for improvement in the inspection process to minimize negative impacts on business operations, particularly in addressing overlapping inspections by different agencies.

The delegation of the VINASME took a commemorative photo with General Secretary and President Tô Lâm
The delegation of the VINASME took a commemorative photo with General Secretary and President Tô Lâm.

To address these issues, it is necessary to adjust legal regulations to ensure consistency and transparency in inspection activities. At the same time, it is important to strengthen dialogue between state agencies and businesses to promptly address the difficulties that businesses face.

Beyond these issues, Mr. Hòa believes that there are still many policies that need to be improved to create more favorable conditions for the entrepreneurial community. First, there should be policies to support SMEs, especially in accessing capital and markets. The government should also promote infrastructure development, particularly digital infrastructure, to enable businesses to fully leverage technology in production and business activities. Policies supporting businesses in joining global value chains, promoting exports, and enhancing international competitiveness are also necessary. Policies on training and developing human resources, especially in key industries and high-tech sectors, should be prioritized. Creating a stable, transparent, and fair legal environment will help businesses feel secure in investing and developing, thereby motivating domestic enterprises and attracting foreign investors, contributing to sustainable economic growth.

Van Nguyen

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