Cam Pha compleletes investment attraction planning

DNHN - With the potential and advantages of a modern city, Cam Pha is working to change the general construction planning to attract strategic investors who can help the local economy and society grow.


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When the Provincial People's Committee decided on October 9, 2020, said that the general planning of Cam Pha City should be changed to 2040, with a long-term goal of 2050 in mind.

According to this, Cam Pha City is one of the main cities in the province and the Northeast. It is also part of the coastal urban chain of Quang Yen - Ha Long - Cam Pha - Van Don - Mong Cai, which aims to develop services, tourism, and the marine economy.

At the same time, it is the heart of the province, the administrative, political, economic, and cultural centre.

Cam Pha wants to reach this goal by speeding up the planning of subdivisions (B, C, E1) and the centre of three communes (Duong Huy, Cam Hai, and Cong Hoa). It also wants to finish important detailed plans for the City's Cultural and Sports Center, expand the headquarters of the City Party Committee and the City People's Committee, and inter-school (secondary school to high school) in the area that borders the sea.

The city also looked at the city's plans and projects and cancelled them if they were no longer relevant and also finished the city's planning and architecture regulations.

It is also part of the coastal urban chain of Quang Yen - Ha Long - Cam Pha - Van Don - Mong Cai, which aims to develop services, tourism, and the marine economy. Protect forests, mangroves, and other natural resources.

In addition, the central and administrative areas in Cam Trung ward will be made more beautiful, giving the whole city a new focal point.

Ha Loan island (Cong Hoa commune) will be turned into an auxiliary industry development zone, Duong Huy commune will become a coal area development zone, and the Cam Pha Cement Factory will be moved to a new location by 2030. 

Moving the Km6 and the Cua Ong port after the Prime Minister approved this area to be taken off of the list of infrastructure projects to help the coal industry grow is also a good thing to do.

With that in mind, make sure that open-pit mining areas and waste dumps are cleaned up and used to their full capacity, and make the area into a park for tourists.

When all of the city's infrastructure works together, it can be built in a way that meets the needs of green growth and adapting to climate change, promotes tourism, and takes advantage of the city's strengths in seaports and services.

Cam Pha will become a modern, synchronized city in terms of transportation and a nuclear city that will help the province grow and become more modern.

According to

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