Supporting enterprises to join the global supply chain: Opening doors to opportunities and prosperity

Creating a favorable environment for enterprises to participate in the global supply chain not only generates economic benefits but also contributes to the sustainable development and prosperity of the country.

TNI Corporation violates payment obligations exceeding 5 billion VND?

The TKT Vietnam Plastic Packaging Joint Stock Company has fulfilled its commitments under the Sales Contract, but the partner has not settled the debt completely, affecting the company's finances and operations.

Semiconductor industry attracts special interest from FDI investors

The semiconductor industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors, attracting significant attention from foreign direct investment (FDI) investors. Vietnam is currently attracting FDI to capitalize on the potential of this industry.

Challenges facing Vietnam’s agricultural export

Despite its rich agricultural resources, including major crops such as rice, coffee, and rubber, Vietnam faces significant challenges and fierce competition in accessing international markets for its agricultural exports.

Strong impression of Vietnam at the WEF Conference

Responding to the press after the Prime Minister's business trip to attend the WEF Dalian Conference and work in China, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son evaluated the Prime Minister's business trip as a great success.

The potential of Vietnamese seaports: Towards regional development and expansion

Thanks to the unique geographical location, long coastline, and rapidly developing economy, Vietnamese seaports are facing significant development opportunities. Vietnam can potentially become a crucial trade hub in the region.

Investment opportunities in real estate closely tied to infrastructure investment

Currently, increasing public investment, particularly in infrastructure projects, is a strategic priority that the Vietnamese government is actively promoting for 2024. This is seen as a major opportunity for the real estate market.

Why Vietnam's aviation industry struggles to attract foreign investors

The Vietnamese aviation industry has significantly developed, expanding its flight network and improving service quality. However, several challenges hinder the attraction of international investors.

Capturing consumer trends: Key to increasing competitiveness in retail

Changes in consumer spending are presenting challenges and fluctuations, forcing businesses to adapt their strategies to better engage consumers, provide appropriate solutions, and create customer satisfaction.

The exodus of fuel distribution and retail companies: Reasons behind the withdrawal

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as many as 16 fuel companies have requested to return their distribution licenses since the beginning of the year.

Journalism plays a critical role in ensuring transparency in the real estate market

With transparency, honesty, and professionalism, journalism has significantly contributed to a more transparent and stable real estate market.

Interest rate cut and the impact on Vietnam's economy

According to Dr. Chu Thanh Tuan, Deputy Head of the Bachelor of Business program at RMIT University, the recent interest rate cuts by major central banks may impact Vietnam's export market.

Solutions to curb price increase in Vietnam

The economic and social situation in the first 5 months of 2024 has continued to show positive trends, but the average CPI for this period has increased by 4.03%. Therefore, controlling inflation remains a key goal and challenge for the government.

Can public investment stimulate private investment?

Public investment policies have been actively implemented to stimulate private investment. Therefore, the benefits and mechanisms that public investment brings to encourage private sector activity are very positive.

Removing policy "bottlenecks" and increasing connectivity for the development of the supporting industry

The supporting industry plays a crucial role in promoting development and enhancing competitiveness. To develop this sector robustly, it is necessary to remove policy "bottlenecks" and increase connectivity within the industry.

The importance of flexible credit policies for textile enterprises

The textile industry faces challenges such as importing raw materials, price fluctuations, and fierce competition. Therefore, flexible credit policies play a crucial role in ensuring the survival of textile enterprises.

Increasing land prices close to market value - challenges for businesses?

In the real estate market, there has been a trend of increasing land prices close to the general market value. This price increase brings challenges for businesses, especially those heavily dependent on real estate.

Challenges in the digital transformation for the wood industry

Many industries are now turning to digital technology to enhance efficiency and boost competitiveness. However, the wood industry, a traditional and classic sector, is facing numerous challenges in its digital transformation journey.

Land and Housing Laws: Catalysts for Vietnam's Real Estate Boom

The Land Law, the Real Estate Business Law, and the Housing Law will come into effect on August 1, creating a domino effect to resolve long-standing issues in the real estate market, fostering healthy market development...

Special mechanisms: A "Boost" for local development

To ensure balanced and sustainable development nationwide, the implementation of special mechanisms will drive local development. These mechanisms also provide a significant "boost" for growth and progress.