The place to return is the family meal !

DNHN - The cultural behaviour of each of us is not only reflected in our words, attitudes, smiles, eye expressions, and polite dialogue but is also evident at the dinner table.


Inviting each other before dining, the gesture of caring - sharing - conversing during the meal
The place to return is the family meal. 

Inviting each other before dining, the gesture of caring - sharing - conversing during the meal, and having an "announcement" at the end are sufficient to demonstrate the surprising power of a family dinner, which surprises many individuals.

Family mealtime influences behaviour!

Family meals are a terrific way to teach youngsters about love and character. An educator once stated that if a child does not have proper table manners when seated, he will not be mature enough as an adult. 

A person's personality and family upbringing are extremely evident in the family meal
A person's personality and family upbringing are extremely evident in the family meal.

A person's personality and family upbringing are extremely evident in the family meal. Family meals reveal a person's personality and background. How you interact with your loved ones is also reflected in your dining practices. The love and compassion or jealousy stored in the heart are likewise measured precisely on the rice tray. 

A recent study by Dr Karen Wu, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles, demonstrates the power and significance of family dinners as not just a source of comfort, but also as a factor in behaviour modification.

By requiring us to balance our needs with those of others, family meals foster coordination while eating
By requiring us to balance our needs with those of others, family meals foster coordination while eating.

Cornell University research involving 1,476 individuals demonstrates the effectiveness of this sort of group dining. By requiring us to balance our needs with those of others, family meals foster coordination while eating. We must consider and notice whether we are taking too much, leaving enough for others, or submitting to each other on the tray of rice, which also allows us and others to demonstrate our love and respect.

Mealtime is also a time when everyone must adhere to the house rules: eating must be invited, younger people welcome older people, and those with higher shoulders invite those with lower shoulders.

How long has it been since you last ate at the dinner table with your family?

Consuming rice daily is an unavoidable aspect of life. Have you ever considered the significance of food? For many individuals and families, it might be difficult to find a time to eat together due to the many studies, jobs, and extracurricular interests of family members.

Everyone's life is always full of worries, when it comes to family, no one can help but feel sad and emotional, and probably the most enduring memory for each individual is still enjoying a hearty family meal.

A Harvard study reveals that after a meal, you will feel at home and want to stay in rather than venture out. 

Home meals are good for children's development
Home meals are good for children's development.

Children who consume home-cooked meals are less likely to participate in high-risk behaviours such as substance abuse, aggression, and psychiatric issues, according to a scientific study. Additionally, family dinners enhance cooking "skills." The preparation of daily meals will considerably boost your cooking proficiency. Few individuals anticipate the numerous advantages of home-cooked meals.

Choosing the right cooking oil is a catalyst for friendship
Choosing the right cooking oil is a catalyst for friendship.

Consequently, someone who is still in a rush with continual parties and excitement will have more reasons to return to their family and congregate around the tray of rice.

Someone who allows rage to reign at the dinner table learns how to contain themselves and how to humble themselves in order to enjoy a nice family meal so that the home routine becomes an invisible pivot poinforin each individual.

Family dinner! The kitchen is still crimson, the rice tray is still teeming with happiness, and each member of the family still has a place to call home. Behind the shirt that has faded due to rain and sun, you can sense the affection of your parents more clearly than you can the words of your grandparents.

A family meal is also the key to happiness, dissipating exhaustion and releasing resentment so that each individual feels safe, cared for, heard, and cared for./.

Lap Nguyen 

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