The Ministry of Information and Communications promotes digital transformation

DNHN - According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, 2022 will be the year of digital transformation; the transparent orientation of digital transformation in 2022 is to bring people's and businesses' activities into the digital environment by popularizing the use of Vietnamese digital platforms, thereby directly benefiting people and businesses from the convenience and benefits of digital transformation.

The Ministry of Information and Communications (TT&TT) has issued Document No. 797/BTTTT-THH to ministries, branches and localities guiding several important tasks to promote the implementation of digital transformation in 2022.

In particular, in 2022, they will promote the use of e-commerce platforms by individuals, agricultural production households, and small company households. Popularization of online teaching platforms, with an emphasis on encouraging individuals to use digital platforms actively for learning and reviewing subjects in natural sciences, foreign languages, digital and soft skills. 

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Widespread use of digital platforms to facilitate personal health advice, a direct connection between patients and doctors in compliance with the law, and use of digital platforms to facilitate remote medical consultation and disease treatment institutes.

Utilize other digital platforms universally to meet people's basic demands for communication, entertainment, tourism, travel, and dining, as well as to ensure network information security; Ensure that online public services supplied by government agencies at all levels are accessible to individuals and companies; Digital platforms are being used universally by small and medium-sized businesses for production and business activities.

In 2022, the comprehensive orientation of digital transformation is to bring people's and businesses' activities into the digital environment through the widespread use of Vietnamese digital platforms, enabling people and businesses to directly benefit from the convenience and benefits of digital transformation.

Establishing a community digital technology network to support the implementation of digital government, digital economy, and digital society at the unit, grassroots, ward, commune, group, and team levels, with the core being a specialized information technology unit comprised of members of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Farmers' Union, Union of Cooperatives, Women's Union, and representatives from the post, telecommunications, and information technology. 

Simultaneously, promulgate a plan to foster and train cadres and civil servants under their management on digital transformation, the development of digital government, the digital economy, and the digital society; with a particular emphasis on developing and training cadres and civil servants in analytical skills, data mining for decision making and policy formulation.

Issue a plan to promote the development and use of national digital platforms for digital transformation, development of digital government, digital economy and digital society in sectors, fields and regions.


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