The Business & Integration Cup 2019 golf tournament was organized professionally

DNHN - The Northern Business & Integration Cup 2019 golf tournament has made an impression on the business community and businessmen - golfers. Reporters of Business & Integration Magazine acknowledges the sharing opinions of some golfers around this meaningful sporting event

Businessman Dang Ha Lam won the technical prize:

Businessman Dang Ha Lam (on the right)
Businessman Dang Ha Lam (on the right).

Today was an emotional day, fierce but full of excitement. Although it is hot and humid when I get caught up in the game, the weather is not too big of a problem, this is also a nice thing about golf because it is a sport that requires strength and perseverance. The first time I came to this golf tournament, I was excited and impressed with the golfers who are all business owners, especially the professionalism and thoughtfulness of the Organizing Committee. This year's tournament brings together many highly qualified golfers, many singles, and good under handicaps to play. As a sport, in addition to exercising in all weather, golf is similar to my job in that there are many challenges that I still have to overcome. The Business & Integration Golf Cup is also an opportunity for businesses to exchange, learn and share experiences to develop together.

Businessman Nguyen Duc Thanh, First place in Group C:

Businessman Nguyen Duc Thanh (third from the right)
Businessman Nguyen Duc Thanh (third from the right).

This is my first time attending the Business & Integration Cup golf tournament. Although the weather is quite hot today, it does not affect the golfers' performance or excitement. I see the golfers today playing very enthusiastically and at a very good level. Through this, I thank Business & Integration Magazine for organizing a quite large, monumental, professional, and classy golf tournament. In my opinion, every year, businessmen should participate in this tournament because this is an opportunity to connect the business community with many successful individuals, thereby opening up very good business opportunities.

Businessman Bui Xuan Hoa:

Ảnh minh họa

First of all, I would like to thank the Organizing Committee, the golf course, and the sponsors for organizing a great tournament. Ever since the announcement of the Business & Integration Cup golf tournament was announced, I was very excited and registered to participate immediately because coming to the golf tournament organized by Business & Integration Magazine, I was not only allowed to participate in one sport activity but also have the opportunity to connect and exchange with businessmen who have similar interests to contribute to building a sustainable business community. In addition to participating in this golf tournament, I in particular, and golfers in general have the opportunity to win valuable and attractive prizes, and also an opportunity for golfers to try their luck with the prestigious Hole In One prize with great prizes. The Business & Integration Cup golf tournament took place excitingly, attractively, and professionally. I hope that the golf tournament organized by Business & Integration Magazine will become an annual playground for businessmen to have a meaningful and practical playground where the golfer's level is affirmed.

Businessman Nguyen Hoan Vu:

Ảnh minh họa

The Business & Integration Cup golf tournament was organized on a quite large scale and thoughtfully. The tournament gives us businessmen a useful playground along with many new opportunities. The new opportunity here does not stop only at the fitness story but also helps me and many other businessmen expand their partnership.

Businessman Vu Van Chinh:

Businessman Vu Van Chinh (on the right)
Businessman Vu Van Chinh (on the right).

Because of the scorching heat, I, like the golfers, lost a lot of water and was quite weary, but my enthusiasm for the game did not wane. Playing golf is winning yourself. This is a very practical and meaningful match for businessmen. Business & Integration Magazine organizes a professional tournament, which is also an attraction for a large number of businessmen who register to participate.

Phuong Lan

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