Resort real estate: The path out of the "dark zone"

DNHN - Resort real estate can overcome the "dark zone" by enhancing customer experience, maintaining and upgrading infrastructure, developing diverse amenities, and implementing effective marketing strategies.

The resort real estate segment, despite having great development potential, is facing significant challenges, referred to as the "dark zone." To overcome this difficult situation, the first step is to invest in improving customer experience, from services to amenities, to create memorable impressions.

Simultaneously, maintaining and upgrading infrastructure is necessary to maintain quality standards. Diversifying amenities and services also helps make the resort more attractive. Finally, building a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy will help reach potential customers from around the world. Only by implementing these strategies simultaneously can resort real estate rise from the "dark zone" and develop sustainably in the future.

In the 21st century, resort real estate has emerged as a globally dynamic development sector, attracting the attention of investors and tourists. However, this industry is not immune to challenges, especially when facing the "dark zone" – a period of difficulty and instability.

To escape difficult situations, resorts need to focus on investing in customer experience
To escape difficult situations, resorts need to focus on investing in customer experience. (Ảnh: Internet)

Currently, the resort real estate sector is facing difficulties due to several key factors. Economic and financial crises reduce demand and the ability to pay for resort real estate, leading to market stagnation. Natural disasters and climate change, such as storms, floods, and earthquakes, can devastate infrastructure, reducing the value of resorts. Additionally, changes in tourism trends and tourist demands can also decrease the attractiveness of resorts that previously drew much attention.

To help the resort real estate segment overcome difficult times, strategies need to focus on improving quality and competitiveness. Firstly, investing in customer experience is essential, providing superior services and amenities to meet diverse tourist needs. Next, regularly maintaining and upgrading infrastructure will ensure resorts maintain high quality and safety standards.

At the same time, developing a diverse system of amenities and services will create unique highlights, attracting customer interest. Finally, building a comprehensive and effective marketing strategy, using both digital and traditional media channels to reach customers from various markets, will help increase the presence and attractiveness of the resort on the global market.

To escape difficult situations, resorts need to focus on investing in customer experience. Understanding the needs and expectations of customers, thereby providing high-quality services and amenities, will create memorable travel experiences.

Moreover, maintaining and upgrading infrastructure is crucial to ensure the resort always maintains high-quality standards. Developing diverse amenities and services will also make the resort more attractive and draw more customers. Finally, building a comprehensive marketing strategy by using effective marketing channels will help reach and attract customers from various regions worldwide. Only by implementing these strategies simultaneously can the resort real estate industry rise and develop sustainably in the future.

In the first quarter of 2024, the real estate market recorded 9,970 tourism and resort products for sale, but more than 97% were inventory from old projects. Only five new projects provided 326 products, a decrease of 64% compared to the previous quarter and 60% compared to the same period in 2023. The number of successful transactions reached only 160, equivalent to 2% of the primary supply, showing that the resort segment is still facing difficulties.

According to experts, projects are still facing legal difficulties, with investment procedures being inconsistent and overlapping, leading to cautious investment decisions. The time to handle procedures such as investment policy approval and land clearance is prolonged, affecting the ability to create new supply.

Additionally, strict management of credit and bonds policies reduces the resources for project development, leading to delayed progress and affecting commitments to customers.

Nguyen An Phan

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