It was a good sign in early 2022 when the number of new businesses rose quickly

DNHN - Many business groups (enterprises) and municipalities have made attempts to connect and establish circumstances for companies to both improve their relationships with each other and follow the government. Make a safe manufacturing strategy.


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According to the General Statistics Office, the number of newly registered and returned to operation firms reached approximately 11,400 in February 2022, 1.7 times the number of enterprises withdrawing from the market (6,600).In the first two months of 2022, the nation added roughly 20,300 new businesses (up 11.9 percent); 2,332 businesses raised capital; and 22,300 businesses reopened (up 102.5 percent over the same period in 2021).It was up 46.2% over the same time previous year and far higher than the 33.6% increase in the number of companies withdrawing from the market.

In early 2022, the number of new firms surged substantially.

In all industries, the number of returning businesses grew.

Accommodation and food services increased by 170.6%, real estate business by 132.6%, education and training by 132.1%, arts, entertainment and recreation by 118.9%, wholesale, retail, car and motorcycle repair by 117.0%, employment services, tourism, rental of machinery and equipment, furniture and other support services by 111.2%.The number of company suspensions is concentrated in small and medium-sized firms with limited operational times (about 5 years).This year, Vietnam has 21 new foreign investment projects worth 51.7 million USD, 2.4 times more than in the same period in 2021.

Actual FDI capital Vietnam's first two months of 2022 are anticipated at 2.68 billion USD, up 7.2% over previous year.

The foregoing positive indications represent the business community's initiative and adaptability, as well as the state's flexibility and decisiveness in economic activity.

Bao Han

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