In the final months of the year, Hanoi expedites the release of public investment capital.

DNHN - Hanoi City is concentrating on implementing the Prime Minister's directive to encourage the allocation and distribution of public investment capital in 2023.

The Hanoi People's Committee aims for the 2023 public investment plan disbursement results to exceed 95% of the city's assigned plan. According to the aforementioned objective, the city requires investors to have measures to disburse capital plans by the established roadmap; Focus on completing investment procedures for projects allocated to the 2023 public investment capital plan, and simultaneously determine to remove difficulties and obstacles for the project and complete tasks in the remaining plan months. 2023 public investment plan.

Simultaneously, departments, branches, branches, and district and town People's Committees focus on resolving and advising the City People's Committee to remove difficulties and obstacles for projects; Accelerate the completion of investment procedures to facilitate the disbursement of public investment capital in 2023.

The City People's Committee requires investors and the People's Committees of districts and towns to prioritize accelerating the implementation of projects, the distribution of assigned capital plans, and the fulfillment of commitments. For each project, units develop detailed disbursement plans for the third and fourth quarters of this year and through January 31, 2024.


To avoid a situation where the full capital plan is not disbursed due to calculations and proposals, the city requires units and investors to carefully review the project's ability to be implemented and to propose the appropriate capital plan arrangement. reasonable. For projects that are adjusted to the public investment capital plan in 2023, investors are required to focus intensely and implement measures to ensure the capital plan is fully disbursed.

In addition, the City People's Committee assigned the Department of Planning and Investment primary responsibility and coordination with the investor for advising the City People's Committee to submit to the City People's Council for review at the September meeting. Control and transfer capital from projects that are slow to complete investment procedures, slow to implement, slow to disburse funds, fail to overcome obstacles, and are not expected to fully disburse capital plans to projects that can be implemented, resulting in better capital absorption.

The Department of Finance is tasked with coordinating with the Department of Planning and Investment in advising the City People's Committee to balance capital sources to ensure the progress of the project; reviewing completed projects and urging their settlement.


Relevant units tasked with preparing investment must expeditiously complete procedures for approving investment policies and submit them to the City People's Council for approval at the next meeting of the City People's Council. Units are assigned as investors of emergency projects for 160 city-level projects on the list of 5-year medium-term public investment plans for 2021-2025 that have approved investment policies but have not yet been approved. Complete the process of project approval.

The City also requests that the People's Committees of districts and towns urgently direct their specialized departments to complete appraisal reports and submit them to the appropriate authorities to implement investment procedures and approve housing selection plans. contractor; technical design estimation; tendering result; decision to modify the project, which will be completed in September and October of this year.

Regarding the disbursement of the extended 2022 capital plan, the City People's Committee requires investors for projects with two capital sources to prioritize disbursement of the extended 2022 capital plan before making payments. 2023 public investment plan. If 100% of both capital sources are not expected to be disbursed, the investor reviews and proposes to adjust and reduce the 2023 capital plan next September to focus on fully disbursing the capital plan in 2022, as requested by the city.

Ngoc Phi (TH)

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